QA meetup in Redmadrobot on November 19

Salute to all quality guardians. On November 19 at 19:00 we will hold the first online meetup for testers this year. Let's talk about QA tasks, dive into working with tables and test the strength of knowledge on security. We are waiting for the meeting of middle and June specialists, registration by the link .


"Modern Testing Patterns"

Consider the ideal testing process in a rapidly changing environment. What habits should a tester develop to work effectively in a team. Life hacks for working with documentation and feedback.

Marina Kulikova, BSL IT Business Development Director.

"Google Sheet is a universal help for QA"

Find out:

  • What QA processes can be wrapped in tabular display?
  • By what means is the ergonomics of tables ensured?
  • What formulas do you need to know and how to use them?

By Alexander Strokin, head of QA department at Redmadrobot.

"QA vs Hackers: Web Security"

The phrase "security testing" sounds serious and overwhelming. Many are afraid to dive into this topic, thinking that an impenetrable jungle of incomprehensible terms, complex literature and strange abbreviations awaits them.

In this talk, we will analyze the simple basics of security testing and make sure that it is not difficult and insanely interesting. How to find vulnerabilities in your project? Why do you need to know about top-end vulnerabilities? How do attackers think and what can we do about it? We will tell you how QA should think in order to repel hackers in the battle for the security of web applications.

By Victoria Begencheva, QA engineer at Redmadrobot.

Let's repeat

We will meet on November 19 at 19:00 in the online format.

Participation is free, but you must register.

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