Working with engaged employees - how to achieve this? Part 2

Continuing from the previous article , I'll talk about other motivators for engaged employees.

Encouraging initiative

According to Rambler (, a third of Russians consider the initiative punishable.

Employees should not be afraid to express their point of view, showing initiative, they show their indifference to the Company. We need to make them understand that the initiative is not only not punishable, but will also be encouraged.

Interest in work

Each specialist must feel in his place, must understand his role in the Team, its importance, and the contribution he can bring with his work. How can this be achieved?

First of all, at the stage of adaptation, it is necessary to give the employee the most complete understanding of the goals and objectives of the Company. Where are we going, what is our mission. At the stage of forming a specialist's motivation, we can increase his involvement in business tasks, consulting with him, accepting his proposals, if they are aimed at improving processes, etc. The employee needs to know that his opinion is appreciated, and then he becomes involved.

Motivational conversations with employees

Have motivational conversations - honest conversations with your employees. Find out how everyone sees themselves in this company, how they evaluate their capabilities, how they present their points of growth, weaknesses and strengths, where they would like to move, what to try in this very situation of universal uncertainty. It is optimal to conduct such conversations 4-7 times a year, with each employee.

The big problem of modern companies is trivial: because of the fear of hearing uncomfortable, unsatisfactory answers, managers generally stop asking employees. This creates a "blind zone" where everyone lives in captivity to their own illusions. The manager has no idea what his subordinate wants, and the subordinate creates the appearance that he is trying to justify the manager's hopes, while not really understanding what the boss has for him. It is necessary to talk with people not only about tasks, sales channels, methods and other professional "gadgets" that can be used in work. The leader must talk with his people about their development, motivation, inspiration.

No processing and overloading

Any company has urgent tasks, and, often, there are more tasks than can be accommodated by working hours. It is important to keep a balance here: overtime must be compensated by additional rest for them.

Overworking translates into stress, stress leads to burnout, and, as a rule, to employee termination.

In addition , your engaged employees will definitely try to lure away competitors. Everyone needs such people, especially since, according to statistics, there are always significantly fewer of them. That is why it is important for you to pay attention to them.

It is very important to focus specifically on the employees involved, to make them as effective as possible.

You need to nurture an "army" of involved employees who will infect everyone else with their ebullient energy.

For example, conduct weekly surveys and identify problem areas for prompt elimination, but it also creates a positive atmosphere in companies.

These tools create a culture in which it is okay to share your achievements publicly; publicly thanking colleagues and getting their recognition is great; to propose ideas, to be proactive - this is encouraged, and the best ideas are implemented.

In such an atmosphere, they will be better able to influence their more inert colleagues, and more and more employees in your company will become involved. According to statistics, it is the employees involved that give the greatest feedback and the most constructive suggestions.

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