Updates in the log viewer

I would like to share with you a number of updates to the chipmunk log viewer. The description will take no more than 2 minutes of your time, but in the meantime, new opportunities can be very useful help in your daily work.

What is this all about?
chipmunk, . , , , . .

Chipmunk has finally learned how to save your sessions. In other words, everything that you have done with this or that file will be automatically restored when it (file) is reopened:

  • Filters;
  • Filters for charts;
  • Time analysis filters;
  • Comments.


Chipmunk will create a session file with a simple .chip resolution in the same place where the log file is located . This enables you to fully reproduce your log analysis on any other computer. All you need is to drop the .chip file along with the logs, for example, to your colleague.

Now you can leave comments directly in the logs: select a fragment; call the context menu; and add a comment.


Comments can be categorized in one way or another. In order to be as neutral as possible, we decided not to use such concepts as: error , warning etc., but simply group by color. What color and what it will mean is entirely a matter of your taste.

Comments are part of the session, so they will be saved to a .chip file . And, as mentioned above, by sharing this file with your colleague, you will also share your comments to the logs.

I really hope you find these updates useful. I, in turn, undertake to continue to keep you informed of the development of the project, which, by the way, is impossible without your support, especially at this strange time. Therefore, your stars on github are incredibly valuable and expensive, and I again urge you to support the project with just one click.

You can touch open source here


We have received a number of feature requests related to timing. Something came in the comments to previous posts, something flew to github . I hasten to assure you that nothing is left without attention, but due to a few limited resources, it is not immediately implemented. We are currently actively working on significant performance optimizations.

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