Geomarketing as a tool for improving the quality of projects

* My name is Aleksey Kozykin, I work in the analytical solutions department of KORUS Consulting, where we implement projects for data management and geomarketing analysis. Geodata can provide additional information about your customers and users and explain deviations. But there is a prejudice that the use of spatial data is associated with high technical training and huge labor costs, so projects for their collection and use often do not go beyond the pilot project.

Large companies operating in the B2C market actively use geodata in their marketing research. In most cases, there is no question of why and how this information is used. In the modern world, we cannot imagine a taxi service without an analysis of routes and navigation, or a large trading company that is expanding without a detailed analysis of the potential target audience in the area. And everyone should take a closer look at this type of data. *

What is geomarketing analysis

Geomarketing analysis studies the impact of the spatial, geo-referenced, and socio-economic characteristics of the audience on the key indicators of a company, its products or services. For example, why people in one region buy more and less in another.

The analysis examines a multitude of individual company processes, from sales of specific products (for example, personalized banking services at different branches) to outlets' performance (for example, the potential return on new branches). At the same time, the nature of the use of products and services for each target audience in each region and district is described by many completely different environmental factors.

The behavior of the target audience is associated with the socio-economic characteristics of the area, its infrastructure, traffic generation and personal logistics. To determine the impact of these features, there are a number of tools that are most often used in practice:

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But the effect of using geodata is always positive - first of all, due to the easy interpretability of the results. They are always visual, information from them is easy to start using - for example, by demonstrating graphs with heat maps, you can produce a strong wow-effect on a customer already at the presale. A qualitative analysis of the target audience leads to an increase in the performance of your product.

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