How I took the OpenSIPS Certified Professional exam

A small note on how I took the OpenSIPS Certified Professional exam in May this year.

For the last few years I have been a programmer by occupation, but I have always been with VoIP at my heart. Since 2010 I have been doing freelance projects related to Asterisk, Kamailio, OpenSIPS. And it so happened that the last big projects were exclusively on OpenSIPS.


At the beginning of the year, it was decided to pass the OpenSIPS certification to fill the portfolio.

Then negotiations began with the toad:

β€œIt's cool to be a certified specialist,” I thought.

β€œ500 Internal Server Error to you, not a certificate,” the toad replied. - $ 215 nowhere to go? Go buy masks, antibiotics!

- This certificate will pay off in future projects! - I objected.

- You can shove yourself this certificate in well ... - the toad began.

I never found out what she meant, I had to strangle the toad.


So, first of all, we go to the certification page and look at the requirements:

The credential covers the knowledge of Installation, SIP Routing, OpenSIPS Scripting Skills, Authentication, OpenSIPS Control Panel, Connection to the PSTN, Call Forwarding and Media Server Integration, NAT Traversal, Load Balancing, Clustering, Accounting and Monitoring Tools. The OCP credentials were created for professionals who are going to design, maintain and troubleshoot SIP infrastructures typically found in telecommunication companies, VoIP providers and large telephony systems based on the SIP protocol.
For preparation, it was decided to use the experience gained from the book Building Telephony Systems with OpenSIPS - Second Edition and some courses on Udemy (yes, I like to prepare thoroughly :)

Important! The book deals with version 2.1, the exam is taken according to version 3.0!

The book was read in a month (April), in parallel, all stages of building the server from source were passed, including the installation of OpenSIPS Control Panel. During the practical part, I copied all the commands for the assembly into a separate file so that during the exam I would not spend a lot of time on assembling and initial server configuration. This helped a lot, I completed the first two tasks in literally an hour and a half.

Request for an exam

In March, I contacted about passing the exam, to which they replied that the next certification would be in about a month and a half. It was decided to start preparations. In mid-April, they asked to sign up through the registration form and pay $ 215. Payment was made by transfer to PayPal.

Requirements for successfully passing the exam

To complete successfully, you must score at least 100 points.

The tasks were divided into 2 parts. The first part contained 7 tasks of 10 points each (server installation plus the basic setting), the second part - 6 tasks, one of the tasks of the first part could be replaced by a task from the second for more points (20).


On the day of the exam, the child and his wife were sent to the dacha.

The exam began at 15:00 (UTC + 0), in my time zone it was already 19:00. 15 minutes before the exam there was a short meeting with the exam participants and Flavio Goncalves. A pdf with an assignment has been sent to the mail. At 15:00, access to the remote server was provided and the time went by. The time for the exam is 8 hours . The first part was ready in about 2-3 hours. Then he decided to take an hour break, believing in his strength. This played a cruel joke, because the remaining tasks required more attention and even (!) some googling. The second part was a little more difficult, because it was carried out at night. As a result, I got a little nervous. It seemed that at the very end I did anyhow, and for the next two weeks I went around thinking that I had failed the exam.

- And I told you, and I told you, - the toad repeated

It is forbidden to divulge the tasks themselves. Here are the topics that were covered in this particular exam:

  • installing OpenSIPS 3.0 and configuring as required
  • installing opensips-cli
  • installing OpenSIPS Control Panel
  • security policy (interdomain restriction)
  • ACL
  • NAT
  • Dialogs
  • Dynamic routing
  • Topology Hiding
  • Dispatching
  • Accounting

Expectation and results

It took about 2 weeks to wait for the result. What a surprise it was to get this result:

Congratulations Igor,

You have passed the OCP exam with maximum score, your results are

attached. Your certificate will be sent soon

Best regards,

Flavio E. Goncalves

Well, the final blow to the toad

Hope this short article helps future certification candidates. I wish you success in your future certification!

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