Digest of interesting materials for a mobile developer # 369 (November 2 - 8)

In this collection of articles and news - Kotlin as a product, navigation battle, lessons for beginner developers and cognitive overload happening right now, the best typography and love for neural networks. Connect!

Language is primarily a working tool that millions of people use every day for many hours. All these people solve different problems and face different problems. For the Kotlin development team, knowledge of these scenarios and pains is the main source of ideas on how to improve user experience and empower programmers.

This digest is available as a weekly newsletter . And every day we send news in the Telegram channel .


(+7) CI / CD integration for multiple environments with Jenkins and Fastlane. Part 1

(+1) Composable Architecture - Fresh Look at Application Architecture

Core Location - how to show a human-readable address using CLGeocoder

Improve iOS app performance

SwiftUI: create chips with autolayout container

How to make a camera app in SwiftUI

Side-by-side comparison of two great iOS view debugging tools

Using UIReturnKeyType or inputAccessoryView in SwiftUI

10 tips for launching Swift from the terminal

Implementing the Fritz AI machine learning model in an iOS application

SlidableImage: a before and after slider for iOS

Dynamic Menu:

Android physical menu

(+7) Debugging applications in the Huawei ecosystem: cloud debugging platform, A / B- and open testing services

(+3) Kotlin Android Extensions deprecated. What to do? Migration Guide

(0) MVVM and Selecting Items in Adapter - Base Adapter

Android Broadcast: Navigation Battle

Android Broadcast: Developer Communities

Android Broadcast: Android Application Security

Reactive Programming (RxJava / RxAndroid) in Glassdoor

Memory Leak Detection: Android Studio vs. LeakCanary

Proto DataStore Android: is the game worth the candle?

Drawing Application: Android Jetpack Compose Sample Code

What can a debug menu contain?

Going deeper into mobile hardware

Tutorial: learning how to use the EventBus template

Floating window in Android

Correct location permission request in Android 11

Telegram-style loading animation

MVI architecture for Android

View Binding for the lazy

Creating the first mobile application on Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile in 10 minutes

Convenient way to collect scores in the application

Android RecyclerView with private Kotlin classes

Jetpack Compose for desktop applications

Dark Mode Toggle: dark mode on Jetpack Compose

Kotlin Lifecycle Delegates: lifecycle management


(+40) How I decided to make a game inspired by Heroes of Might and Magic and lost money (part 3)

(+17) Why I left React Native and switched to Flutter: Part 2

(+11) Mobile device management from KACE Cloud Mobile Device Management (MDM)

(+9) How I created a mobile game for my child

(+ 8) Development of the Drive interface: from launching a startup to deep analysis of the UI. Yandex report

(+4) The magic of the electronic mask: analysis of the COVID system Exposure Notifications

(+3) How Kotlin Multiplatform saves development time. Personal experience of creating a game application for KotlinConf 2019

(+3) Why the MVP of your product can lead to the collapse of the idea? Or how to test a product in a formed market

(0) “Test on all browsers on your phone” or tools for testing Mobile Web applications

I want to be a gamedev # 15: Server programmer

Podlodka # 188: design

How do I remember everything I learn

25 lessons for a beginner developer

Cognitive overload: right now on your screen

4 lessons from 4 years of working at Facebook as a developer

Wallet announced a $ 1,000,000 developer competition

Firebase Summit 2020 video

How to design an API and not screw it up

7 tips to help you improve quickly UI typography

UX from A to Z - Mistakes: 14 Tips for Dealing with Inevitable Mistakes

10 Mistakes When Working With Color in UI

Make It Fun: Chaos in Product Design

14 Rules Every Developer Should Follow

Splash Screen on Flutter

A shallow dive into universal usability

Explaining Continuous Deployment in code

Layers in software architecture

Key principles of animation

Analytics, marketing and monetization

(+9) Conducting A / B testing: walkthroughs

Calm used election reporting to promote the app

make sense: On creating and developing communities, metrics, motivating people and business benefits

IronSource Aura enters the Russian market

myTracker launches a tool for tracking fraud

ByteDance buys a stake in the Chinese e-book service Zhangyue

The most earning applications in October 2020

Pokémon GO has the best year in history

Analysis of the game market in Russia: research by Wargaming and Superdata

How to promote a mobile application after publication

How to create good onboarding and interest users from the very beginning

AI, Devices, IoT

(+40) Making a clock from the PRS-505 e-book

(+26) How I stopped being afraid and learned to love neural networks

(+20) A detective tablecloth: object recognition by measuring capacity

(+17) Top-10 tools IoT Development in 2020

(+16) Between a bunker and a villa: how I built a smart home in the Russian outback

(+12) How we went from developing firmware for each camera to creating a universal SDK for camera vendors

(+11) We create our own GPS Tracker on LoRa technologies

(+6) ModBus Slave RTU / ASCII without SMS and registration

(+5) Internet of Things in Russian. Minimalism and openness of OpenUNB

Raspberry Pi introduced a computer keyboard for $ 70

• The neural network was taught to identify carriers of COVID-19 by coughing

Introductory online lectures on quantum computing begin at CERN

Previous Digest... If you have other interesting materials or you have found an error, please send it to the mail .

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