New rocket. Launches of the year: 88 total, 33 from China

Vyacheslav Ermolin, November 7, 2020

Current launch statistics
Current launch statistics


First launch of the new Ceres-1 carrier rocket from the private Chinese company Galactic Energy. Launching the Tianqi-11 IoT communications satellite.

Current launch infographic
Current launch infographic


"Let's do it like Electron, only cheaper and faster."

The official motto is “I believe I can fly”.

Start time and place:

November 7, 2020 07:12 UTC.

Jiuquan Cosmodrome, China.


GX-1 — Ceres-1 (Gushenxing-1, «-1», №Y1). - . .   Beijing Galaxy Power Equipment Technology Co., Ltd (Galactic Energy). , . , , . .


Tianqi 11 — (-11). , . IoT Tianqi (« »). . 50 .


- .

486 500 , 97,41°


— 33- . .

— 1- - «-1».

— GX-1 $4 . 

— $11 000.


   Galactic Energy


Mission emblems and stripes
Legend to statistics


( , «»). Galactic Energy «» . iSpace - «-1». — Landspace OneSpace — 2018 2019. « » , — Rocket Lab.

Rocket Lab «», Galactic Energy (- ) ( ). , , , . 

— . , «» $6 ( ).

It's funny to see the reaction of the new space adherents to the successes of the Chinese private traders. In their opinion, these are “wrong private traders”. At the same time, they do not notice American government investments in the "private" market of start-ups. Interestingly, the Americans are talking about the access of "rocket privateers" to military development of solid-fuel missiles, for which the Chinese are reproached.

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