Development and execution of the business process "Software Development" in Bizagi BPM

In business modeling, processes can be conditionally divided into two types - executable, which will actually work with the help of special software, for example, Bizagi, and non-executable, i.e. business models needed only for a better understanding of business processes and its specifics.

Executable business processes must be built in strict accordance with all the rules of BPMN notation, otherwise the software will not be able to work correctly with the compiled business model. These business processes require deep knowledge of BPMN, as well as careful attention to every detail, since you, in fact, create a program (algorithm) for a computer, you just use graphic notations instead of a text language.

Executable processes are needed, for example, in enterprises where a process approach to activities is adopted. The software allows you to monitor all processes in real time, and based on the data obtained at each stage, the head of the company and departments will always be able to understand at what stage the work on a particular process is. This method can significantly improve management efficiency.

Non-executable business processes are needed solely to demonstrate a business model. It can be a diagram showing the real state of affairs at the enterprise, it can be a visual illustration of the proposed changes in reengineering. In this case, of course, you can use any convenient tools, including the traditional for many IDEF0, or the decomposition of IDF0 to the workflow level (EEPC). And the observance of the rules of the language modeling is necessary solely to achieve mutual understanding.

We will simulate non-executable business processes (business process of software development with technical specifications, second - software revision without technical specifications, third - establishment of technical requirements, and fourth - establishment of requirements for software documentation), functional and cost analysis , then they will be refined into executable business processes (graphical forms, data models, users, etc. will be added) and actions will be automated.

BPM – Bizagi. . , , Active Directory, Windows, SQL IIS . - .  BPMN 2.0

— Modeler -. — Suit , , , . Engine - .

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RazrabotkaPO.Statustestirovaniya is equal to true;

RazrabotkaPO.Statustestirovaniya is equal to false;


: chief manager ( ), devOps ( ), manager (), programmer (), stakeholder ( ), tester (), admon viewer ().

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Or Role==DevOps or Role == Admon Viewer;

Or Role==Analyst or Role == Admon Viewer;

Or Role==Tester or Role == Admon Viewer;

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Tekhnologicheskoetrebova.ready is equal to false;

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Tekhnologicheskoetrebova. status_analyst is equal to false;

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CurrentData – « » ;


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<TekhnologicheskoeTrebova.Requestdate> = DateTime.Now; .

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Or Role==Manager or Role == Admon Viewer;

Or Role==Chief manager or Role == Admon Viewer;

Or Role==Programmer or Role == Admon Viewer;

Or Role==DevOps or Role == Admon Viewer;

Or Role==Analyst or Role == Admon Viewer;

Or Role==Tester or Role == Admon Viewer;

- Windows, DNS , IIS , .

Windows Server 2012 R2. — SQL Server.




We export our business processes to static web pages and create a portal where we will store all documentation on business processes, and where any user of the company's internal network can view it

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