13 games to play, hack and kill this weekend

At the end of November, we are launching a new stream of the course Game Developer in Unity and C # , and especially for it, we are sharing a selection of games on the theme of Halloween. All of them were created in competitions like Ludum Dare , JS13K and Game Off . Games are written in different languages ​​and engines, and some of them were created in just 48 hours. And all these games have one thing in common: the source code of these games is open source, so let's hack and shred it! The post does not claim to be "high tech", it's just a selection of fun projects that might inspire you to create your own games.

WARNING: This post features zombies, werewolves, creatures from other dimensions, mummies and more! Proceed at your own risk.

Evil Glitch (JS13K 2016)

Play in your browser . Sources (JavaScript) Do Evil Glitch authorship @ agar3s has everything: a sweep line, CRT effects and satisfying gameplay. When strange glitches appear in your dimension, stop them with a hurricane of bullets. Fun hack: comment out this line and you will be invisible.


Chamber (Ludum Dare 47)

Play on Windows or the web . Source (Heaps, Haxe) Chamber by @ saint11 and @AmoraBettany took first place on LD47 this week. With the help of a friendly ghost, you must explore mysterious rooms and plan your escape.

Sealed Bite (Game Off 2019)

Play on Windows, macOS, Linux or the Internet . Sources (Godot, GDScript) Sealed Bite is a pixel-based platformer by @securas , you play against the clock looking for crystal shards that prevent you from transforming into a werewolf. Sealed Bite is the winner of last year's Game Off. A fun hack. Is the game difficult? Jump higher or become invulnerable like this :

JUMP_VEL = -250.0 

and so :

func can_be_hit( area = null ) -> bool:
    if fsm.state_cur == fsm.states.hit: return false
    if fsm.state_cur == fsm.states.dead: return false
    if is_invulnerable: return false
    #print( cur_target, " ", area, " ", cur_target.get_ref().name, " ", area.get_parent(), " ", area.owner.name )
    if cur_target != null and \
        area != null and \
        cur_target.get_ref() != null and \
        cur_target.get_ref() == area.owner:
            return false
    return false

Retrohaunt (JS13K 2019)

Play in a Browser · Source (JavaScript) Not everyone has the time, patience, or skill to write a puzzle with only 13 kilobytes of JS. My mother used to say: "If you've got it, haunt it" - bother your talent [Reference to the phrase If you got it, flaunt it - don't bury your talent in the ground]. This is exactly what @DennisBengs did with Retrohaunt .

Luna (Halloween Competition 2019)

Download the C64 Sources (Assembly) If you grew up with a Commodore 64 or fond of retro games, Luna from @smnjameson like you. Guide the witch through endless caves, fast, problematic enemies and other gameplay. Of course, you'll need a Commodore 64 emulator. Fortunately, there are many free and open source implementations to choose from.

Unnecessary Evil (Ludum Dare 43)

Play on Windows or the Internet . Source (Unity, C #)

Screenshot of Unnecessary Evil

Unnecessary Evil from @Xenation , @Suliac , @Voxelse , and @evaabollivier - you have to switch between five fearless fighters in turn to find your way out. But be careful. The fighters will have to sacrifice.

Heaven Ascent (JS13K 2020)

Play in your browser . Sources (JavaScript)

In Heaven Ascent, you fight demons, collect stars, and fight angel bosses that prevent you from reaching the top.

Little hack: @Dhmstark thought ahead, adding the ability to quickly wind up their lives. To do this, just change the lines in your data.js file:

	startingLife: 5,
	lifeIncrement: 5,

Blood and Volts (Ludum Dare 46)

Download on Windows . The sources (engine - GameMaker)

Blood and Volts is a great name, the authors of the game are @ dev-dwarf , @Nolnad and @LewmothMusic . Feed volts to the towers: they shoot as you invade the small planet, killing the natives.

Baby Monster Delivery (Ludum Dare 46)

Play on Windows and online . Sources (Unity, C #) There are no storks here. Children at Baby Monster Delivery are brought in by hellish pans. Beware of traps and floor, floor is generally lava.

Tomb of the Mummy RL (Ludum Dare 47)

Play in your browser , source (JavaScript) Tomb of the Mummy is a rogue-like game by @eldarbogdanov for Ludum Dare 47. The treasure hunters have awakened you from your sleep and are exploring the tomb. The mummy has to do what the mummy has to do ...

Death String (Ludum Dare 47)

Play on Windows, macOS, Linux and the web , source (Godot, GDScript) Demons have invaded your pink pixel world. You control a robot that exorcises demons with the Cord of Death.

Shield Bearer (GMTK Jam 2020)

Play on Windows, macOS, Linux and web , sources (Godot, GDScript). Shield Bearer by @Geminimax . You play as a parent who protects the son of an adventurer as he explores dangerous dungeons. Cool hack: maybe someone can level up this child in search of their own way?

Soul Harvester (Untitled Game Jam 8)

Play on Windows, macOS, Linux and the web . Sources (Unity, C #) In @JordyAaldering Soul Harvester, you play as a young Death with a scythe, jumping through randomly generated levels and sending lost souls back to where they came from. I hope you find these games interesting. Wish you a safe, happy and healthy Halloween if that's important to you. Until next time! If we survive ...

Want more? Here are 13 fun, devilish games from last year to fork and have fun. Dear readers, have you written games? Feel free to share them in the comments. If you want to learn how to create great games, then we invite you to our course Game developer in Unity and C # , and a special HABR promo code will add 10% to the discount on the banner.



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