On the problems of humanity and the responsibility of programmers

In my humble understanding, the biggest problem of humanity is not hunger, war and disease, but the lack of enough brains to solve technical problems. Or organizational.

A couple of examples. Cheap energy sources are thermonuclear fusion or cheap solar panels. The best minds of mankind are working on these tasks, but everything is moving rather slowly.

Caring for the elderly. From a mechanical point of view, you can make a robot that can serve old people as well as a living nurse. But a computer inside (or in the cloud) will not be able to solve even elementary tasks such as going to the kitchen to make coffee. Why we (programmers) cannot write a program for such a robot - again there are not enough brains. 

There are thousands of such examples. Self-driving cars. Cure for cancer and corona. How to organize the processes in my team so that tickets are closed on time. Biological immortality, after all.

We (humanity) rested on the capabilities of our brain. Not enough scientists, programmers, date Scientists.

And the logical step would be to write a program that replaces our biological brains. I avoid the words artificial intelligence here, but in fact it is about it.

Unfortunately, the creation of artificial intelligence, say, a powerful variety of it, again goes beyond the capabilities of our biological brains.

And I have no doubt that artificial intelligence will be written, if not by 2045, then in the next century for sure.

But the problem is that every day 150 thousand people die from old age, disease and other reasons. Cancer medicine would save a quarter. An artificial heart is another third. And every day that we have lived without artificial intelligence is an extra death. Deaths that could have been avoided if we were a little smarter, or a little more persistent.

Yes, there is a chance that the artificial intelligence will turn out to be unfriendly and will kill us all. This is a known issue, hopefully it will be solved.

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- , OpenAI. . - . JavaScript. , . - .

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Therefore, as a kind of pull request, I post it here. Please tell me that I'm wrong, I should stop bothering myself with things I don't understand and go back to my Tetris for ESP32.


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