Trouble accepting yourself

Quite often it happens that a specialist devalues โ€‹โ€‹himself. Even despite the numerous real facts about his competence, he still continues to look for flaws.

Such a state can be caused by prolonged stress in connection with complex tasks and short periods of their implementation, constant pressure.

As a result of prolonged stress, the criticality of thinking decreases, plus constant pressure does its job.The

person is influenced by the social environment. And with constant negative impact, it can happen that the specialist believes that he is an impostor. And this already has its consequences in the form of psychological suffering.

To prevent this from happening, you need to take care of your state of mind. After all, health - is not merely the absence of somatic diseases and mental health is

working techniques

1. Watch your successes and achievements

2. Relaxation

3 good sleep

4 normal diet

5 physical activity

6 communication, self-development

If the problem has manifested itself, the it is best to immediately seek psychological help

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