Perfect QA

(A little reflection on the philosophy and psychology of the quality control system)

Normality is a common form of insanity.

Collective unconscious


All of the following is my subjective point of view, and if I somewhere postulate something ambiguous, then I just omitted the phrase "from my point of view." Please take it this way. I am for the simplicity of the language, but speaking of the meanings, I always get complex sentences with overly abstract vocabulary. And I don’t want to fix anything, so I apologize for the possibly excessive complexity of speech. One of my friends said - I read half of it and my brain is tired.


Any person developing in some kind of technical profession and trying to understand his life sooner or later comes to the understanding that his profession gives him the best language to describe his own understanding of life. This happens naturally, due to the fact that engineering tasks, or the tasks of constructing something from parts, require the presence or creation of these parts, and therefore form a complex skill in a person, which he thinks in the form of a set of images, and most often somehow calls, for the possibility of using it in group activities. The more experience a person has and the better a skill, the richer his language is, conveying his skills in a packaged form. The more various engineering problems are solved by mankind, the more new terms for communication required to solve complex problems appear.At some point, the content of certain terms leads to such an observable depth that you want to use them to express something fundamental, especially when the neural network of the brain catches many familiar images in a new complex problem and a state of pre-illumination arises, as if a wall is about to break through separating you from the collective experience of the noosphere and you will understand everything.


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Would I like to live in a world where everyone would be like me? Yes, this world would be quite comfortable and predictable for me. It would not have unmotivated aggression, lies, fear, greed. He would build himself, because in him everyone would be judges in charge of the whole world, professionals, evaluating others from the point of view of rationality, and not judging reflexively, focusing on the opinions of the majority by inertia. In it, words would not diverge from deeds and an oral agreement would be enough to be sure that it will be so.

But then the ideal QA would have no work left, since the others could decide everything themselves.

Perhaps it was then that he would have had to change his profession to an ideal Creator and begin to create his own system, and not evaluate others.

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