Working with engaged employees - how to achieve this? Part 1

Where to begin?

What is an engaged employee?

This is a person who is maximally loyal to the Company in which he works. He categorically does not want to quit, but, on the contrary, helps with the development of the Company and the growth of its personnel, by being involved in many business processes. Such an employee can be entrusted with some business issues that he understands due to his specialization.

That is why an engaged employee is much more valuable than an unengaged employee. So let's talk about how to get it. It is not easy to achieve this using traditional methods of motivation, but a number of factors and motivators that contribute to doing it.

Workplace conditions

In order for the Company to have successful specialists, it is first of all necessary to start with comfortable physical conditions for employees. The best way to find out what is comfortable for them is to ask about it. After such conditions have been created, we turn to the human factor.

The human factor plays an important role

Most people try to distinguish between personal and professional life.

In most cases, there is no room for off-topic conversations in the office except at lunchtime. At the same time, a sense of team cohesion is formed in a friendly team. The best way to establish professional communication is to attend corporate events together. They can be held outside office hours, such as parties or group sports. This is the time when you can feel more relaxed and free.

Another motivating principle is communication transparency. The policy of communication transparency makes people feel more valuable, useful to the team.

Recognition of Labor Merit

Any employee will be pleased to receive praise, approval and bonuses for quality work done. At the same time, there are many options for how to highlight an employee. You can, for example, talk about his services to the team. Encourage financially, or some kind of gift and so on. It is important that every employee feels needed and important.

Growing an internal reserve is one of the primary tasks of companies

Employee growth is the long-term planning of the Company. Planned development is necessary, for which individual plans are drawn up for each employee.

How does this happen?

There are many ways to develop a person within a company. This can be training in management or professional skills, mentoring, business simulations, working in the fields with specialists, self-study, or advanced training and retraining courses for specialists.

The internal personnel reserve is a very good thing, it is imperative to work in this direction.

Internal training

The tasks of each Company are individual, and when hiring new employees, we are faced with the fact that external candidates, with or without experience, cannot start a full-fledged job right away. They need to learn exactly our processes, standards, here they receive unique knowledge that is not applicable in other Companies. This leads to an interesting observation: candidates agree to this, which means that they are really interested in working with us.

Competent work planning

Who do you think will work more productively: a specialist who is given instructions on what to do and when? Or an employee who independently plans and prioritizes the timing of their tasks? We believe that the involved employee has the ability to independently carry out the work, its planning and deadlines, which contributes to high involvement.

In continuation of this article, there will be a second, in which we will talk about other motivators that contribute to the involvement of specialists.

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