Expectation VS Reality: How COVID-19 Changed the Job Market

One can hear about COVID-19 from everywhere, and this is logical: no one expected the arrival of a pandemic, and with it a global crisis, in the 21st century. IT specialists turned out to be in demand more than ever: in the era of the urgent transition of the entire business online, IT became the ones who help to ensure and debug processes in the new realities.

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It's not about changing the shoes and changing the direction of product development. With the change of paradigm comes a change in the established ratings of companies. Therefore, analyzing your place in the general system in time means knowing your competitors by sight.

The coronavirus crisis leaves its mark on all areas, although not always only negatively. Not only candidates are chosen, but also candidates, and the crisis has not changed the balance of power in the β€œemployer-employee” pair. However, the focus has shifted, and the constant assessment of their own positions and rapid response to changes have become fundamental for companies that want to retain existing or hire new strong specialists.

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