21 YouTube channels where you can learn AI, machine learning and data Science for free

We have already shared on our blog more than once useful materials for development (a list of them can be found at the end of this post). Today we continue this undertaking and specifically before the start of new streams of courses in Data Analytics and Data Science, we present a selection of YT channels on Data Science, artificial intelligence and machine learning, the existence of many of which is not obvious: for example, the ArXiv Insights channel dedicated to scientific works is presented, and Google Cloud Platform.

As long as the pandemic keeps us at home, being remote has become the new normal for many of us. And while it's hard to find worthwhile training right now, that doesn't mean we should stop learning. We can say that the perfect moment has come to learn something. Why not devote the rest of this crazy 2020 year to learning AI, Python programming, ML and DS? Job roles such as data analysts, machine learning specialists, robotics engineering, digital transformation are leaders in the future. This is an expanding field of knowledge that plays a huge role in the life of society.


This channel publishes interviews with data scientists from big companies like Google, Uber, Airbnb, etc. These videos will give you an insight into what it means to be a data scientist and some valuable life tips.

Arxiv Insights

Xander Steenbrugge is a ML6 machine learning researcher. His channel is a summary of critical ML issues, where artificial intelligence reinforcement learning is taught, mainly from a technical point of view, making them accessible to a wide audience.

Machine Learning 101

New ML Youtube channel everyone should know about. Machine Learning 101 publishes an explanation of the initial concepts in artificial intelligence. In addition, the channel publishes podcasts with Data Science experts working in commercial industries.


FreeCodeCamp is an incredible non-profit organization. It is an open source community offering a collection of resources to help people learn to program for free through project creation.

Data School

Kevin Markham writes YouTube-friendly tutorials. Data School focuses from the outset on the topics you need to learn to become a Data Scientist and offers in-depth tutorials that are understandable regardless of your education.

Machine Learning TV

ML TV is a resource for students and enthusiasts, created to help you understand ML better.

Giant neural network

This YouTube channel aims to make machine learning and reinforcement learning more accessible to everyone. You will find 12 playlists - this is a comprehensive introduction to neural networks for beginners, and it looks like the following videos about neural networks are currently being filmed.

Andreas Kretz

Andreas Kretz is a data engineer and founder of Plumbers of Data Science. He broadcasts on his channel clear programs on how to gain hands-on experience in data mining, as well as videos with questions and answers about data mining with Hadoop, Kafka, Spark and more.


Edureka is a platform with tutorials and guides on trending topics in Big Data, Hadoop, DevOps, Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Angular, Data Science, Apache Spark, Python, Selenium, Tableau, Android, PMP Certification, AWS Architecture, Digital Marketing and much more.

Andrew Eun

Andrew Eun was named one of Time's 100 Most Influential People in 2012 and the Most Iconic Person by Fast Company. He is a co-founder of Coursera and deeplearning.ai, vice president and chief scientist at Baidu, and an associate professor at Stanford University.


The official Deep Learning AI channel has video tutorials from the Deep Learning Specialization on Coursera. DeepLearning.ai is an educational technology company that develops a global community of artificial intelligence talent.

Deeplearning.ai's expert-led education experience provides practitioners and non-technical AI professionals with the tools they need to go all the way from the basics to cutting-edge applications, empowering them to create an AI future.

Tech with Tim

Tim is a brilliant programmer teaching Python, game development with Pygame, Java, and machine learning. He creates quality Python programming tutorials.

Machine Learning University (MLU)

Launched in 2016, Machine Learning University (MLU) is an Amazon initiative with a clear goal of educating as many employees as possible in the technology and the magic of product offering a company needs through integrated ML technologies.

Artificial Intelligence - All in One

This YouTube channel contains educational videos related to science, technology and artificial intelligence.


Sentdex creates one of the best Python programming tutorials on YouTube. His tutorials range from beginner level to advanced with over 1000 videos on Python programming. It's more than just the basics. They cover machine learning, finance, data analysis, robotics, web development, game development, and more.

Joma tech

Joma Tech is a youtuber who makes videos to help people get into the tech industry. He has worked for large technology companies as a data scientist and software engineer. Based on his experience, he makes video interviews with experts, a video about lifestyle in Silicon Valley, makes data science more accessible.

Python Programmer

The Python Programmer Content includes Python, Data Science, ML tutorials, book recommendations, and more.

Deep Learning TV

This YouTube channel focuses on how-tos, software and application library reviews, and interviews with key people in deep learning. DL TV is dedicated to the field of research that teaches machines to perceive the world. Beginning with the DL simplified explanation series, the channel has posted how-to videos, overviews of software and application libraries, and interviews with key people in the field. Through a series of concept videos that show intuitive explanations of the techniques behind deep learning, the channel shows that deep learning is actually easier than you think.

Google cloud platform

YouTube videos help you shape the future with secure infrastructure, developer tools, APIs, data analytics, and machine learning.

Keith Gally

Keith Gally is a recent MIT alumnus. He makes instructional videos about DS, programming, board games and more.

Data Science Dojo

The Data Science Dojo is a channel that promises to teach Data Science to everyone in an easy-to-understand way. You will find many tutorials, lectures and courses on Data Engineering and Data Science.


These channels are unique, I have followed them for a long time and am fascinated by the sheer amount of knowledge that is available online today for free. I hope you enjoy it, and if you know any other cool YouTube channels about AI, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, or Data Science, leave them in the comments!

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