How Kotlin Multiplatform saves development time. Personal experience of creating a game application for KotlinConf 2019

Hello! Connected IceRock Development , Novosibirsk team.

We would like to share our useful experience. We have been developing on Kotlin Multiplatform for 2 years now. In 2018, they began to implement their projects and immediately made several discoveries. Among other things, we found out that multi-platform technology significantly saves time and effort.

KotlinConf 2019, . Kotlin. , , .

, . . JetBrains

JetBrains, Kotlin, . . - Apple. , : iOS, Android WatchOS.


KotlinConf JetBrains Kotlin Locator/Finder. -, Bella Center. , - , KotlinConf 2019 ! 1700 .

: ยซ ยป, iBeacon-. Kotlin: , . - : , .

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Kotlin Locator/Finder iOS

JetBrains - Kotlin Spinner Game. , . - , ยซยป .

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Kotlin Locator/Finder -

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  • Kotlin/Native WatchOS 1.3.60 โ€” !

  • kotlin iBeacon-. Reedyuk/blue-falcon. .

    : , . .

: , , . Kotlin Multiplatform , .

Play Market App Store. . 20 . JetBrains .

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Kotlin . moko-network openapi- . : , , . โ€” Kotlin. .

iOS-. Android .

Kotlin Multiplatform Swift. Kotlin Locator/Finder iOS Android -: . . , .



Kotlin Multiplatform , , . .

Kotlin Multiplatform

JetBrains . โ€” . : , . , Kotlin Multiplatform -, .


. , 1,5 , iOS Android. UI. 20โ€“50%.

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, -. . UI.

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. , Kotlin Multiplatform, . Swift Java.

IceRock Development . 2019 Kotlin Multiplatform.

Kotlin-. :

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