How Megafon deceived me. They call it telemarketing

Good day to all!

And it was like this: a girl from Megafon calls late at night and babbles something about discount coupons-coupons that will appear in my personal account. Like, it's just an affiliate program and she doesn't want me to miss out on such a great opportunity.

Not a word about any cost. In general, such a strange call. I even wondered if some scammers were calling: now, they say, they have learned to act as if they call you from the organization's phone, but in fact - no. But PIN codes / passwords did not seem to be asked for my own personal safety.

It turned out not.

That is, scammers called, but from Megafon.

It turned out when I received the following SMS at night:
"Combo" is connected. Now discounts and other useful bonuses are available to you! Start using: Payment for the first 30 days was 99 rubles, then the subscription is renewed automatically every 30 days: in the next two months - for 99 rubles, then - for 199 rubles. Management:

"Wow, what a good offer" - I thought and hurried to LK to turn off this service imposed by deception.

It turned out that 99 rubles had really been debited from me, as it was said in the SMS.

I had to correspond in the LK chat with support out of principle, 99 rubles were returned to me in a few minutes.

And they suggested, if I don't really like such calls, to arrange another service, this time free: "Refusal of operator's telemarketing."

It was really hard to refuse such a tempting offer.

In general, if you have a Megafon and you do not want to get into such situations, go to your personal account, go down to the very bottom of the page, click "Contact support", then - the green button "Open chat", and insert the phrase into the chat :
I would like to ask you to activate the free service โ€œRefusal of telemarketing of the operatorโ€ for me.

PS They say that you can also put a tick on your own, I have not tested it.

Success to everyone!

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