The 25 Best GitHub Repositories for Python Developers

According to a 2020 StackOverflow developer survey *, Python is one of the most loved languages ​​in the world. Even more interesting, Python is the language that developers most want to try in their work. If you are one of those who uses Python and wants to pump their knowledge, or one of those who wants to learn Python, you have come to the right place. Under the cut of the 25 best Python repositories on GitHub.

* Picture from the official Python website

Cool Python List

  • : Python- Cracking the Coding; !

  • Python: 120 , .

  • Python: , , , Python.

  • Python: 300+ , .

  • Python: Python 3 (18k+ )!

  • , : , , .

  • Python: .


Learning Python

  • Python Koans : An interactive guide to learning Python by testing (and a good tutorial on test- driven development).

  • Project-Based Learning : A list of project-oriented programming guides, including building web parsers, apps, bots, and more.

  • Learning Python 3 Through Jupyter Notebooks : A collection of interactive Jupyter notebooks that teach you Python 3.

* Link to survey results

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