The origins of virtualization

Attention, the question: who was at the origins of virtualization? For all the love for the products of this company, the answer "VMware" will be wrong. The pioneers in this market were General Electric, Bell Labs and IBM.

Creation of a virtual machine

Already in the early sixties, the IBM portfolio consisted of dozens of different systems. Each new generation was strikingly different from the previous one. Buyers tore their hair out in vain to keep up with the innovations and demands of the new iron. In addition, in those years, the paradigm β€œone computer at one sitting performs only one task” was still relevant. Need more? Be kind enough to resort to batch processing, when one job is executed on the computer after another without operator intervention. Inconvenient, right? But IBM didn't see this as a problem. Most of the users of their machines belonged to the scientific community. It was enough for them.

IBM. S/360, . , . 

1963 . MIT Project MAC β€” Mathematics and Computation, , . Multiple Access Computer. DARPA $2 β€” β€” , , . β€” . , , , . MIT , . , β€” Β« GE IBM?Β». IBM , . IBM- MIT . GE, , MIT .

, . β€” Bell Labs . .

MIT Bell Labs IBM CP-40. , . CP-40 IBM S/360 model 40 14 c 256 . 

CP-40 CMS. . CMS . CP. , CP N- CMS. CP/CMS 1968- , 1972- .

, . β€” MultiCS, MIT Project MAC. Bell Labs, «» Unix.

CP : , , «». , , «» . , : «» «» .

CP-40 CP-67. Β« Β». CP-67 VM/370 S/370.

Unix. , , .

Unix . , , , , . 

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Unix, C, . ? . , . .

1990 Sun Microsystems Stealth. , Sun API C C++. , . β€” Oak Web Runner. , 1995 Java.

, Java . β€” , , . , , . 1996 Java Development Kit (JDK).

Java . Java Run-Time Environment (JRE).

, Java : - Java. -, JRE. JRE - . , «» , .

JRE , Java Virtual Machine. . JVM , , Java-. JVM Sun/Oracle . , .

, IBM . , , IBM, , .

1987 Insignia Solutions SoftPC. DOS Unix. . , MS-DOS, $1500, SoftPC «» $500.

1989 Insignia Solutions SoftPC Mac. ​​ Windows. 1994 Insignia Solutions β€” SoftWindows SoftOS/2.

SoftPC . 1997 Apple Virtual PC Connectix. Virtual PC, SoftPC, Windows Mac, . 1998 VMware. VMware Workstation. Windows, ​​ .

VMware , . 2001 VMware : ESX Server GSX Server. GSX Server , Microsoft Windows. 2- . ESX Server, 1- , -.

1- , «» . , .

ESX Server 2001 . VMware ESX Server.

. 2003 Microsoft Connectix, Virtual PC . Microsoft Virtual PC 2004, β€” Microsoft Virtual Server 2005.

2007 β€” Citrix Inc. XenSource, , 2003 , XenServer.

UNIX Telnet, SSH.

Windows OS/2 . .

- IBM OS/2, . 1989 IBM Citrus. Citrix, Citrus Unix.

Citrix OS/2 . OS/2 MULTIUSER.

1991 Microsoft OS/2, Citrix . , Windows.

1993 Citrix Netware Access Server Novell. 1995 WinFrame. WinFrame Windows NT 3.5 . .

WinFrame Windows NT 4.0 Microsoft Citrix , Windows NT 4.0 . Citrix , .

β€” . - , IBM 1960-. , , . 

, , 2007 , VMware VDI. , , . Virtual Machine Manager .

β€” , .

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