International IT conference Devoxx 2020: exclusive in Ukraine and completely free

On November 6 and 7, Ukraine will host the international conference Devoxx - one of the most popular events dedicated to Java. Also, traditionally, other topics of the development world are discussed on Devoxx: Cloud, DevOps, Reactive Systems, Microservices, Machine Learning.

Conferences and other themed events under the Devoxx brand and affiliated Voxxed Days are held in Britain, Belgium, France, Poland, Greece, Morocco and Belarus.

However, this year Devoxx is exclusive for Ukraine. Only in this country did partners and organizers dare to transfer such a large-scale event to the online format. And make participation completely free.

Why Free?

Devoxx has always been a conference whose main goal is not profit, but uniting like-minded people and enthusiasts for the development of the IT industry. Thanks to the online format, the organizers were able to eliminate some of the costs inherent in "classic" conferences.

In the case of Devoxx, “free” does not mean “poor quality”. Devoxx is a strong international brand with over a decade of history and has the highest organizational standards despite its new format.

All expenses related to the organization and technical support of the conference were covered by Devoxx 2020 partners: EPAM Ukraine, Luxoft, Infopulse, Svitla, Nix, Lunatech, Sigma Software, Grid Dynamics, Itera, DNSimple.

Thanks to the support of partner companies, the conference has become completely free for listeners. Any IT professional can join the event.

How will the online format change the conference?

Despite the complete transition to online, the organizing team made sure that the experience of Devoxx 2020 participants did not significantly differ from offline meetings.

The essence and structure of the event have not changed - these are two busy days, 9 tracks, more than 30 expert speakers and networking opportunities.

Who is participating in the event?

This year Ukrainian Devoxx has all chances to gather a record number of participants in the entire history of the franchise. The organizers expect over 10,000 developers and enthusiasts interested in Java and related topics.

A generalized portrait of the Devoxx participant (and this year is no exception) - Middle and Senior specialists from all over the world. Thanks to the online format, the audience share from Eastern, Central and Western Europe, North and South America has significantly increased and today accounts for more than 30% of the total number of registered participants.

Which speakers are worth attending?

More than 30 well-known experts and gurus of the Java world have already confirmed their participation. Each topic has been scrupulously selected by the Devoxx organizing committee, and each presentation has been screened to meet the interests of the audience.

We have prepared for you a selection of speakers whose performances everyone should definitely attend.

image Adam Bien . Works with Java since JDK 1.0 and LiveScript. Developer, consultant, author of a number of Java books, podcast host. He will deliver two talks: Jakarta EE + MicroProfile: The Nonfunctional Features and The Future is Now: Web Apps Productivity without Frameworks .
Bruno Souza. Java- ToolsCloud, SouJava — Java User Group . : Be a better developer, learn faster and get more results: it’s all about the skills.
Josh Long. Spring Developer Advocate 2010 , Java Champion, Spring . : Bootiful RSocket.
Simon Ritter. Azul Systems. 1984 . Java 25 . Sun Microsystems Oracle. Java Champion. , Azul’s JVM. : Local Variable Type Infrerence: Friend or Foe Java at Speed: Building a Better JVM.
Pavel Veller. 20 Java, C#, JavaScript . EPAM Digital Engagement, . 2020 — EPAM. : — a Story of Rapid Technology Transformation to Enable Remote and on Demand Workforce at Scale.
Chris Richardson. Java Champion Java Rockstar. POJOs in Action Microservices Pattern, Eventuate. : Architecting for rapid, frequent, reliable and sustainable delivery of software.
Ben Evans. Java, . New Relic, Principal Engineer JVM Architect.

jClarity, Microsoft. Java Community Process Executive Committee, Java-. Java Champion, Java Rockstar. : Why You Should Migrate to Java 11 Right Now.

Devoxx's key idea is to bring developers and enthusiasts from all over the world together around Java. Communication and community spirit support are especially important during a global pandemic.

Ukrainian Devoxx 2020 will definitely go down in history. This is the first conference in the series to be held online and the first event in the franchise to bring together a record audience.

You can find out more about the conference and its speakers at this link:

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