Broken site or banned?

By all the canons of the genre, when you encounter an error on the site, due to which absolutely nothing works, you estimate the levels of abstraction at which this error is most likely to occur. And if earlier in the list of my priorities there was an error in the code of the site, now first of all I think I got into a conditional Shadow Ban . Especially when it comes to overseas services. Let's see why this happens and what you can do about it.

More and more popular sites on the Internet are resorting to a shadow ban in one form or another. Moreover, its sophistication depends on each specific case. This could be a blank page, as if the server died, a 500 server error message, a 404 error message, incorrect redirects when trying to submit a completed form. The bottom line is that the site owner does not want you, your country, your subnet or IP address to use his site. But at the same time, he does not want to give a clear explanation, because it may sound offensive to someone, or even unacceptable from the point of view of local legislation.

Typically, there are several main reasons why your IP address or browser fingerprint is banned:

  • you are using TOR or public proxy, VPN

  • the address belongs to the hosting provider in the datacenter, not to the ISP providing Internet access to ordinary people

  • hacker attacks, brute-force attacks, and other illegal activities are coming from your IP address or subnet

  • you have IPv6

  • you are sitting with the IP of a country to which the site owner has no commercial interest or many people from it have shown themselves to be hackers, scammers, spammers, etc.

  • an automatic safety system, based on hidden criteria, has decided that you are a camel without a certificate to the contrary

, ( ) , . . β€” , , IT- . , , IP , . , , .

, , , . , , 256 . , , , . . , Β«Sorry, we couldn't help you. Seems problem is on your side. Thank you for choosing us! Bgggeeeee...Β»

, , , Shadow Ban, .

  1. TOR VPN, .

  2. Google Chrome Google, , . .

  3. , en_US, en_US.

  4. VPN, , VPN , . VPN VPS . Google Chrome , IP , .

  5. , . Windows 8-10, , . IE Chrome , , IP , , , .

«» , Opera VPN. β€” , .

, .

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