PHP Digest # 191 (October 19 - November 2, 2020)

Photo: Valery Gorbachev ( PHP Krasnodar )

Fresh selection with links to news and materials. In the release: PHP 8.0 RC 3 and video reviews of new features, Composer 2, completion of Faker development (now in a new organization), two new RFCs for PHP 8.1, a portion of useful tools, articles, videos from past meetups.

Enjoy reading!

News and releases

  • PHP 8.0 RC 3 β€” - . RC 4 12 26 .

    PHP 8:

  • PhpStorm 2020.3 PHP 8: #[ArrayShape], #[ExpectedValues], #[NoReturn], #[Pure], #[Deprecated], #[Immutable]. #[ArrayShape] #[Immutable] PHP.
  • PHP 7.4.12
  • PHP 7.3.24
  • Composer 2 β€” :

    • ;
    • ;
    • PHP ( "platform-check": false);
    • --dry-run require remove – , , ;
    • --unused remove vendor, composer.json ( purge);
    • . .

    , : composer self-update --2.

  • PHP Faker β€” PR PHP 8 fzaninotto/Faker , . Francois Zaninotto , . , fakerphp/Faker, PHP 8 PHP 5.

    François Zaninotto , -, 25k+ . -, ORM Propel. , . 7 Propel 2 . -.

    François 9 Faker.

  • PHP Russia 2020 -> PHP Russia 2021 β€” 1 2021 .
  • β€” PHP- , , .

    : , 4 ; , 7 ; , 14 .

PHP Internals

  • [RFC] Short Functions β€” RFC .

    class Person
        public function __construct(
            private string $firstName,
        ) {}
        public function getFirstName(): string => $this->firstName;
  • [RFC] Explicit octal integer literal notation β€” PHP 0x, 0b. 0. , . , 016 14 "016" == 016; // false.

    0o, .
    0o16 === 14; // true
    016 === 0o16; // true
    "016" == 0o16; // false
  • Literal types PoC β€” PHP TypeScript.
    function foo(): "foo"|"bar" {
        return "foo";

    PHP, RFC , . . .





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