Analysis of problems, as well as the development of AIS in warehouse accounting

Me: The publication will probably be devoted to a topic that has already been erased to holes. But I also wanted to contribute to the development of the IT direction and talk about the problems associated with such an area as warehouse accounting

Analysis of the problems of implementation and development of the information system of warehouse accounting and ways of solving them

Common problems in the implementation and development of information systems

As many already understand and see that the world does not stand still and technologies today are developing at a rapid pace (“I myself sometimes miss some news”). On such fertile ground, many, most would say, companies strive to keep pace with the new world, where technological solutions and automation play a large role in information processing (change, analysis, etc.).

Such technological solutions are information systems.

Information systems, if not in scientific language, are systems aimed at changing (completing) any economic activity, which should lead to an increase in its productivity.

Information systems today are the basis for solving the main human problem, it is not the ability to process and store a large amount of information.

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  4. By the degree of automation;
  5. By the concept of construction;
  6. By mode of operation.

Now let's take a closer look at just one feature, based on it and make a choice of a system that will be developed taking into account the problems and the field of automation (warehouse accounting).

Classification about the sign of automation. Depending on the automation, information systems are divided into:

  1. 1. Manual ICs;
  2. Automated IS;
  3. Automatic ICs.

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  6. The ability to effectively use information resources.

These tasks can be equated to solving problems associated with the area of ​​warehouse accounting.


This article includes a consideration of the main problems that an organization may face when trying to develop and implement a completely new information system into its structure.

Having also analyzed the identified problems, the ways of solving some of the problems related to: resistance to the implementation of IS, the choice of the type of system being developed and the area of ​​warehouse accounting were given.

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