For beginners: how to select a file in 1C?

Add a new form with a button, clicking on which will open the file selection window. Further processing of the file is not covered in this example. It is recommended to train on a copy of the base or an empty configuration. The example was created on the 1C: CRM 3.0 configuration.

First, let's prepare the configurator.

We go into the 1C configurator. If the configuration is not open, open it and remove it from support. In the "Configuration" menu, click "Open configuration". Next, in the "Configuration" menu, click "Support" and select "Support Settings". In the window, press the button "Enable change" and set the switches as in the picture. Click "Ok".

Now let's create some simple processing.

Find the "Processing" object in the left table of objects, right-click on it and select "Add". Next, you need to fill in the Processing Name, indicate in which 1C subsystem you want to call processing, and add a new form in the "Forms" section.

After creating the form, a window will appear as shown below.

"" . "". 1.

"", . "". , "". "".


"". . .


= (.); . = " ";

. = "Excel , .xls|.xls";



= .;



. " " F5. . "" 1 ( ). , ( "") .

, 1.


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