Cooking C ++. Bake build system

Building Hello World with Bake
Building Hello World with Bake

Most of you will probably agree that CMake is by far the most popular build system for C / C ++ projects. Imagine my surprise to see in the project at the new work its own build system - Bake .

In this article, I would like to describe the main features of this system, how it differs from other similar systems and show how it can be used to solve various problems that arise in the process of developing a program.

Bake is a cross-platform build system for C / C ++ projects, aimed primarily at embedded systems. Bake is written in Ruby, open source and still supported (in development since 2012)

The main goals that the developers aspired to when creating this solution:

  1. Command-line utility (there is support for plugins for some editors, including VSCode);

  2. Which should solve only one problem - building the program;

  3. Simple configuration files - the developer should spend their time writing code, not assembly files;

  4. , ;

  5. ( , . .).

. Bake Ruby gem. Ruby ( 2.0). gem bake-toolkit

gem install bake-toolkit

, :

mkdir myapp && cd myapp bake --create exe


bake -a black
**** Building 1 of 1: bake (Main) ****
Compiling bake (Main): src/main.cpp
Linking bake (Main): build/Main/bake
Building done.

-a , bake ( , ANSI).

.   , Bake , , . , .

, ( , bake --rebuild):

bake -c
Cleaning done.
bake -v2 -a black
**** Applying 1 of 2: bake (IncludeOnly) ****
**** Building 2 of 2: bake (Main) ****
g++ -c -MD -MF build/Main/src/main.d -Iinclude -o build/Main/src/main.o src/main.cpp
g++ -o build/Main/bake build/Main/src/main.o
Building done.

-v(0-3) output, , 2, .

, :

|-- .bake
     `-- .gitignore
     |-- Default.Project.meta.cache
     |-- Project.meta.cache 
|-- build
     `-- Main
         `-- src
         |    `-- main.cmdline
         |    |-- main.d
         |    |-- main.d.bake
         |    |-- main.o
         |-- .gitignore
         |-- my_app
         |-- my_app.cmdline
|-- Project.meta
|-- include
`-- src
     `-- main.cpp

Project.meta , CMakeLists.txt CMake, . Bake, , . Project.meta .

.bake -, , Bake . . , Bake .gitignore Git.

build . main.o my_app, .cmdline , /. .d.bake header . build , Project.meta, Main , .

Project default: Main {

  RequiredBakeVersion minimum: "2.66.0"
  Responsible {
    Person "mdanilov"

  CustomConfig IncludeOnly {
    IncludeDir include, inherit: true

  ExecutableConfig Main {
    Files "src/*/.cpp"
    Dependency config: IncludeOnly
    DefaultToolchain GCC

Bake , . , - RText. Bake .

, VSCode extension . IDE .

, Project , . ( Config) - (, bake ). - Config’, 3 - LibraryConfig , ExecutableConfig , ELF , , CustomConfig . , IncludeOnly CustomConfig Main ExecutableConfig, default.

Bake Config include ( CMake include_directories target_include_directories), CustomConfig IncludeOnly, Bake Config.

, IncludeDir include , header . API, , include . inherit , Dependency.

ExecutableConfig , , Files. C Dependency Config, CustomConfig IncludeOnly. , include (. inherit: true ).

DefaultToolchain, Bake - . gcc.

toolchain :

bake --toolchain-names
Available toolchains:
* Diab
* TI
* GreenHills
* Keil
* Tasking

Hello world ,


Sample project structure for my_app application

, my_app, libA, libB, libC. libB libC, libC . unit libB.

Bake. Project.meta toolchain , Project.meta ( Project.meta , ).

Project.meta Flags. C++, (Linker), C (Compiler C), (Compiler ASM) (Archiver). - GCC toolchain bake --toolchain-info GCC.

Bake Config. ( , . .) CommandLine ( ). , release MakeDir Copy PostSteps.

, ArtifactName , Main . 

Bake 3 : , .

  • ;

  • Set InstallDir bake --set MyVar="Hello world!";

Project.meta :


Project default: Lib {

  CustomConfig IncludeOnly {
    IncludeDir include, inherit: true

  LibraryConfig Lib {
    Files "src/*/.cpp"
    Dependency config: IncludeOnly
    Toolchain {
      Compiler CPP {
        Flags remove: "-O2 -march=native"

Bake toolchain Config. libA , DefaultToolchain, .


Project default: Lib {
  CustomConfig IncludeOnly {
    IncludeDir include, inherit: true
  LibraryConfig Lib {
    Files "src//.cpp"
    Dependency config: IncludeOnly
    Dependency libC, config: IncludeOnly
  ExecutableConfig UnitTest {
    Files "test/src//.cpp"
    Dependency config: Lib
    DefaultToolchain GCC

libB , UnitTest. Config , DefaultToolchain ( , UnitTest).


Project default: Lib {
  CustomConfig IncludeOnly {
    IncludeDir include, inherit: true
  LibraryConfig Lib {
    ExternalLibrary "libC.a", search: false
    Dependency config: IncludeOnly

libC , , ExternalLibrary.

, bake -p <dir>, dir (libA, libB, ..).

1) Bake, , -j . , . 1 : bake -j 1

2) compile_commands.json. bake --compile-db compile_commands.json

3) . bake --prebuild, Config, , Config . Project.meta :

Prebuild {
  Except <project>, config: <config>

, SDK, , , .

SDK, , , API, Except . SDK bake --prebuild.

4) bakery. UnitTest bakery -b AllUnitTests, Collection.meta, bakery Config :

Collection AllUnitTests {
  Project "*", config: UnitTest

5) . bake --dot :

Project dependency tree

6) JSON incudes defines bake --incs-and-defs=json :

"myapp": {
  "includes": [
  "cppdefines": [],
  "c_defines": [],
  "asm_defines": [],
  "dir": "/Users/mdanilov/Work/my_app"

Adaptions Bake

Adaptions Bake. , , , .

Project.meta, Adapt.meta ( ). . , --adapt.

. , gcc ( DefaultToolchain GCC) Clang , Project.meta. Bake, Adapt.meta:

Adapt {
  ExecutableConfig __MAIN__, project: __MAIN__, type: replace {
    DefaultToolchain CLANG

, (replace) DefaultToolchain Config , __MAIN__

: Adapt.meta , Bake ( Project.meta).

clang, bake --adapt clang , Clang.

__ALL__, . . , replace, remove, extend push_front. , , .

, --adapt .


Adapt toolchain: GCC, os: Windows {

GCC Windows. Adapt If ( Unless, ) .

, , C/C++.

, Bake , . , Bake. , , .

But, if I write my next application in C / C ++ for building, I will probably still use CMake. Well, because it's CMake :)

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