The main station was replaced and learned sip and it was decided to upgrade Asterisk to 16.
The installation was carried out on clean debian 10. The repositories have version 16.2.1, so we will build from sources. Download the latest Asterisk 16, I had it on 16.12.0:
cd /usr/src
Unpack it into a folder and go to it:
tar xzvf asterisk-16-current.tar.gz
cd asterisk-16.*
Now let's install all the required dependencies in debian. There is no need to iterate over them manually. All dependencies are collected in a script that needs to be run.
contrib/scripts/install_prereq install
Next, download the mp3 sources, which are needed to build the mp3 module.
All dependencies are installed and you can proceed to the assembly.
make menuselect
To what is installed by default, I add:
- On the first tab, format_mp3.
- In Core Sound Packages, I indicate Russian RU-WAV sounds.
- In Extras Sound Packages I choose English EN-WAV, unfortunately there is no Russian.
Continue after accepting the settings by clicking on Save & Exit. Compile:
Then let's build and install the package using checkinstall:
We fill in the version, package name, etc. I write the package name asterisk-16 so that it does not conflict with the one in the repositories.
Add a user to run Asterisk and grant folder permissions:
adduser --system --group --home /var/lib/asterisk --no-create-home --gecos "Asterisk" asterisk
usermod -a -G dialout,audio asterisk
chown -R asterisk: /var/{lib,log,run,spool}/asterisk /usr/lib/asterisk /etc/asterisk
We configure Asterisk to run under this user. To do this, add parameters to the / etc / default / asterisk config:
After editing /etc/asterisk/modules.conf. We remove unnecessary things, for example:
noload =>
We start asterisk in the console and check that there are no errors:
asterisk -cvvv
If everything is fine, then add the service to startup and run:
systemctl enable asterisk
systemctl start asterisk
This completes the installation and proceed to setting up.
In PJSIP, the syntax has radically changed and it will not work just to copy the config. There is a config converter in the source folder contrib / scripts / sip_to_pjsip /, but the format with separate aor, identify, etc. not convenient and an output was found with pjsip_wizard. We just need to create a transport in /etc/asterisk/pjsip.conf add:
type = transport
protocol = udp
bind = x.x.x.x
external_media_address = x.x.x.x
external_signaling_address = x.x.x.x
Change xxxx to the IP address on which you will listen.
We create a template for the user:
accepts_auth = yes
accepts_registrations = yes
aor/qualify_frequency = 100
aor/max_contacts = 1
aor/remove_existing = yes
inbound_auth/auth_type = userpass
endpoint/disallow = all
endpoint/allow = alaw
endpoint/dtmf_mode = rfc4733
endpoint/deny =
endpoint/context = city_out
endpoint/direct_media = no
endpoint/device_state_busy_at = 1
endpoint/language = ru
endpoint/sdp_session = MySDp
And then an ordinary user will already have a config:
endpoint/callerid='' <100>
And this is already very similar to the chan_sip format, and we change the names of the parameters in the editor by replacing the words.
For clients behind nat, instead of nat = yes, we will make a hotel template with the addition of lines:
For pjsip to behave like chan_sip, i.e. add one peer one device. Some Chinese phones sometimes send for some reason a second registration from another port when the first one is valid and this allows you to bypass this bug.
aor/max_contacts = 1
aor/remove_existing = yes
One of the features of PJSIP is multiple registration, which was not supported in chan_sip. Change aor / max_contacts to the required amount and call in the dialplan:
exten => _XXX,1,Dial(${PJSIP_DIAL_CONTACTS(${EXTEN})})
It has become very convenient that you can specify interception groups by name, and not by numbers as before:
endpoint/named_call_group = aveks
endpoint/named_pickup_group = aveks
The old chan_sip had a call-limit parameter that limited the number of peer conversations. The new chan_pjsip does not have this, in all chats it is recommended to limit calls by the GROUP parameter. For some reason, nowhere in the manuals does it use the endpoint / device_state_busy_at parameter and add it to extensions.conf to the incoming and outgoing context:
exten => _X.,1,GoSub(subDeviceBusy,s,1(${EXTEN},${CALLERID(num)}))
exten => s,1,NoOp(PJSIP/${ARG1} has state ${DEVICE_STATE(PJSIP/${ARG1})})
exten => s,n,NoOp(CallerId is ${ARG2})
exten => s,n,ExecIf($["${DEVICE_STATE(PJSIP/${ARG1})}" = "BUSY"]?Hangup(17))
exten => s,n,Return
You can view the lines in the Asterisk console:
pjsip show endpoint 100
Endpoint: 100/100 Not in use 0 of 1
InAuth: 100-iauth/100
Aor: 100 3
Contact: 100/sip:100@ c34b4c2d4d Avail 7.981
Transport: transport-udp udp 0 0
Here 0 of 1 shows how many lines are busy from possible.
In 16 Asterisk macros became obsolete so they had to be rewritten on Gosub.
In order to transmit the caller's number when calling, add the Diversion header to INVITE when calling:
exten => 2222222,n,Dial(PJSIP/8XXXXXXXXXX@trunk,,tTb(add_diversion^${EXTEN}^1)
exten => _XXXXXXX,1,Set(PJSIP_HEADER(add,Diversion)=<sip:XXX${EXTEN}@x.x.x.x>\;reason=unconditional\;screen=yes\;privacy=off)
exten => _XXXXXXX,n,Return()
Here, 2222222 is the city number on which the forwarding is, 8XXXXXXXXXX is the number to which the forwarding is and, if necessary, add the area code instead of XXX sip: XXX $ {EXTEN} @xxxx>
There were no particular problems with the queue configuration files, we only change members from SIP to PJSIP.
Don't forget to use the documentation