TestRail - Individual settings for the project


In many projects with which I worked, people did not customize TestRail for themselves and got along with the standard settings. Therefore, in this article I will try to describe an example of individual settings that can help you improve your efficiency. Let's take a mobile application development project as an example.

Small disclaimer. In this article, there is no description of the basic functionality of TestRail (there are many guides for this) and selling expressions colorfully describing why you need to choose this particular vendor to create a repository with tests.

Justification plan (what will be implemented)

  1. General requirements

    1. Anyone should be able to pass the case

    2. Cases should remain relevant for as long as possible

    3. Cases should cover the functionality of the mobile application as thoroughly as possible to the extent that this does not contradict the first two points

  2. Separation into TestCase and TestScenario

  3. Rapid formation of TestRun of various types

    1. Smoke

    2. Regress

    3. Impact testing, etc.

  4. Optimizing case support

    1. Abandoning "dead" hardcoded screenshots and switching to "movable data"


To edit the fields, you need administrator access

Choosing a project type

There are three project types to choose from:

We will choose the default type. All cases will be available in it at the same time. We will use smart filtering and dynamically manage all cases at once.

Adding fields to view the list of test cases

priority :




"Summary" ( )

, . TestCase TestScenario. summary.


: TestScenario -


: MainScreen - -

summary : โ€œ, , โ€. .

"StartScreen" ( TestScenario, )

: . ( ) . .



. :

, id . ? , id,


id, , . .

"Screen" ( TestCase)

: . , . , , . , (Activity) . .

: home_screen, MapScreen, PayScreen ..

"MovableData" (c c )


  1. ( )

  2. SQL

, . , . - , , .

, . Google Sheet Excel . ? , , .

Google Sheet SQL . :

C contains '"&SEARCH!A2&"'")

Excel . () .

โ€œ dot comโ€. ( ) TestRail . :

, :

( ) :

โ€œDescriptionsโ€ ( , )

: .

: ( , ) {โ€ฆ} MovableData. MovableData .

"Component" ( )

: . ( ) ( - ) , . , , .

: GooglePay, Order, Users, Map, Authorization ..

"TAG" ( )

  1. TestRun : smoke, ..

: Smoke, Automated, WhiteLabel, ForDelete ..

, :


test run smoke :

  1. TestRail , . .

2. \ :

3. . : , .

. โ€œโ€. , TestRail .



: " .COM" ( )

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