Not a trick, but a perfect presentation: What can we learn from the TV shop on the couch?

- It's so hard for business now. My high-tech and cool product is not being bought much, the demand has dropped. What to do? - complains about an entrepreneur who has invested a lot in the company, bought equipment, launched a website. And now he is looking for a reason why things are going wrong somehow.

Sound familiar? Yes, for me!

A simple example from practice: a client asks for help who produces a complex and expensive product: modern hardware or software. Or maybe just expensive high-quality furniture with five zeros in the price tag.

โ€œPlease tell us about the products,โ€ I say.

- What special can I tell? These are the advantages of our company, here are the products, here are its advantages.

- Only five?

- Well, we also have free delivery, - the businessman tortures himself with the last, sixth proof of the coolness of the product.

Why doesn't it work like that? Let's figure it out.

Software or industrial equipment is not the easiest product to understand, so you need to explain in detail and in detail what exactly your product is good for, how it differs from a competitor's product and how it will solve the problems of a future customer.

A person who is offered to buy a sofa for 200 thousand rubles is hardly a furniture expert. And if he was not told that in fact this is the sofa of his dreams, things are bad. He will look at the site, scroll through the information about the advantages of the company, open two or three photos and ... leave, sad.

Now look at how the guys from the โ€œon the couchโ€ format teleshop work with customers. Yes, here they sell an ordinary vegetable grater as if it were a spaceship!

The presenter shows the grater to potential buyers and describes each, even the smallest, advantage as something incredible.

- Just look! Our grater is washable!

The studio has six experts representing the target audience. This message delights them.

- Wash? Wow, wow, great! The guests exclaim, as if a scientific discovery was made right before their eyes.

- Yes, imagine, it is also reusable, - the presenter nods. - And you can also put this grater on the table, and it will not fall!

- What do you mean ??? Never seen anything like this! - all six gasp together.

โ€” ! ! , ! . , , ! , !

โ€” ! โ€” .

โ€” , , ? , ! !

โ€” , โ€” , โ€” ?

? !

Is the grater on the table level, has an orange handle and four edges with different types of notches? Everything is fair. But they packed and presented it to you in such a way that now it is impossible not to buy this grater. This is the king-grater. This is the same grater that you have dreamed of for many years. Now you understand that all your old graters are inconvenient and wrong. You are already drawing a picture in your head, how with these very hands, using a wonderful and functional grater, you prepare 20 new healthy salads. You have already mentally lost 5 kg.

Don't be in a hurry to sneer: TV shops do miracles with potential buyers. Many entrepreneurs should learn from them.


Convincingly present your product, especially if it is complex and expensive. Based on the needs and problems of the target audience, talking about those advantages that the client does not even know about.

For example, when advertising my services, I highlight an important advantage in a separate line: "I work on your account or make a new one and transfer it to you." Many clients, contacting me, hear for the first time that most agencies work on their accounts. And when trying to break off relations with them, they will not give the account to the client and will not give access to it. And this will be a big pain for the entrepreneur.


What else can you learn from TV shop sellers? To present the advantages of a product so that the buyer can mentally draw a picture in his head: โ€œHere I am, here is this cool product, this is how it changes my life for the better.โ€

How do some businesses do it? Instead of starting from the needs of the client, they begin to fill his head with excessive information about the merits of the company, about their achievements. They write about the product in general phrases: weight, favorable price, color. Push up and add: "For the whole family." They will push their efforts more, and the amazing thing will come out: "Feel the charm of success." What should the buyer present, what does the charm of success look like? How will this product help him, what will the purchase of this sofa or computer change in his life? Unclear.

I overheard this expression from one large businessman - entrepreneurial impotence. When an entrepreneur says: "Do everything for me, make me traffic" - this is entrepreneurial passivity (I will soften this term). Increasing traffic will not solve all problems, people will not buy a product that is presented to them somehow.

I recommend to some businessmen to take off the virtual crown, which makes it difficult to look at things easier, and still see how the goods are โ€œpackagedโ€ in TV shops. There you can find a million interesting solutions for presenting your product: watch, learn and come up with your ideas.

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