"Hey disc jockey put on my floppy disc"

We will tell you who records and tries to listen to music on floppy disks, what technologies are used for such projects and what comes out of it: from audio compression to “musical instruments”.

Photo: Karim Ghantous.  Source: Unsplash.com
Photo: Karim Ghantous. Source: Unsplash.com

3½ inches for podcast

33- « » , . , ~11 . [HD-, 1440 ].

Opus — . IETF 2012 CELT SILK. Opus : CELT , — SILK .

, foobar2000 [ ], :

opusenc in.wav --downmix-mono --bitrate 6 --cvbr --framesize 60 out.opus

, : 6 / 60 . 4 / (, ) 2 / ( ).

Photo: Brian Kostiuk.  Source: Unsplash.com
: Brian Kostiuk. : Unsplash.com

, — Codec 2. . [ .]

«A Hard Day's Night». , . « »  Walkman' Raspberry Pi Zero.

«» . , «» . , , , :

Floppotron. 2012 . 2 64, . «Bohemian Rhapsody».

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. , , Vaporwav-. [ Rolling Stone.]

Photo: Bob Abednego.  Source: Unsplash.com
: Bob Abednego. : Unsplash.com

Diskplayer. — , «» . Raspberry Pi - HiFiBerry DAC+ Pro, — . [ GitHub , .]

P.S. : .

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