NGINX Service Mesh available

We are pleased to present a preview of NGINX Service Mesh (NSM), a related lightweight service mesh that uses an NGINX Plus-based data plane to manage container traffic in Kubernetes environments.

NSM . , dev test — GitHub.

, . , , .

NSM , :

  • , -. . NSM mTLS — , , . , .
  • . . NSM , . , circuit breakers, .
  • . . NSM Grafana, , NGINX Plus. Open Tracing .
  • , , , , Kubernetes. NSM , . NGINX Kubernetes Ingress Controller mesh , .

NSM , . , . , , DevOps , .

NGINX Service Mesh?

NSM data plane (--) NGINX Plus Ingress Controller , control plane.

Control plane NGINX Plus data plane, , NGINX Plus sidecars.

NSM sidecars proxy mesh. :

  • Grafana, Prometheus, NSM ;
  • Kubernetes Ingress Controllers, mesh;
  • SPIRE, CA , mesh;
  • NATS, , , control plane sidecars;
  • Open Tracing, ( Zipkin Jaeger);
  • Prometheus, NGINX Plus sidecars, , SSL handshakes.

NGINX Plus data plane sidecar proxy ( ) Ingress controller (), .


  • TLS (mTLS);
  • ;
  • ;
  • ;
  • Circuit breaking;
  • - ;
  • .

NGINX Service Mesh


  • Kubernetes. NGINX Service Mesh Kubernetes, Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (EKS), Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), VMware vSphere Kubernetes, "" ;
  • kubectl, , NSM;
  • NGINX Service Mesh. NSM, registry , Kubernetes. nginx-meshctl, NSM.

, NSM , . , , , NSM ( registry, . ):

$ DOCKER_REGISTRY=your-Docker-registry ; MESH_VER=0.6.0 ; \
 ./nginx-meshctl deploy  \
  --nginx-mesh-api-image "${DOCKER_REGISTRY}/nginx-mesh-api:${MESH_VER}" \
  --nginx-mesh-sidecar-image "${DOCKER_REGISTRY}/nginx-mesh-sidecar:${MESH_VER}" \
  --nginx-mesh-init-image "${DOCKER_REGISTRY}/nginx-mesh-init:${MESH_VER}" \
  --nginx-mesh-metrics-image "${DOCKER_REGISTRY}/nginx-mesh-metrics:${MESH_VER}"
Created namespace "nginx-mesh".
Created SpiffeID CRD.
Waiting for Spire pods to be running...done.
Deployed Spire.
Deployed NATS server.
Created traffic policy CRDs.
Deployed Mesh API.
Deployed Metrics API Server.
Deployed Prometheus Server nginx-mesh/prometheus-server.
Deployed Grafana nginx-mesh/grafana.
Deployed tracing server nginx-mesh/zipkin.
All resources created. Testing the connection to the Service Mesh API Server...

Connected to the NGINX Service Mesh API successfully.
NGINX Service Mesh is running.

, , :

$ nginx-meshctl deploy –h

, control plane nginx-mesh, :

$ kubectl get pods –n nginx-mesh
NAME                                 READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
grafana-6cc6958cd9-dccj6             1/1     Running   0          2d19h
mesh-api-6b95576c46-8npkb            1/1     Running   0          2d19h
nats-server-6d5c57f894-225qn         1/1     Running   0          2d19h
prometheus-server-65c95b788b-zkt95   1/1     Running   0          2d19h
smi-metrics-5986dfb8d5-q6gfj         1/1     Running   0          2d19h
spire-agent-5cf87                    1/1     Running   0          2d19h
spire-agent-rr2tt                    1/1     Running   0          2d19h
spire-agent-vwjbv                    1/1     Running   0          2d19h
spire-server-0                       2/2     Running   0          2d19h
zipkin-6f7cbf5467-ns6wc              1/1     Running   0          2d19h

, , NGINX sidecars .

sleep default, Pod — , sleep sidecar:

$ kubectl apply –f sleep.yaml
$ kubectl get pods –n default
NAME                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
sleep-674f75ff4d-gxjf2   2/2     Running   0          5h23m

sleep NGINX Plus, sidecar :

$ kubectl port-forward sleep-674f75ff4d-gxjf2 8080:8886

. Prometheus sleep.

Kubernetes , , circuit breaking,

NGINX Service Mesh F5. dev test .

NGINX Plus Ingress Controller, 30 , .

, Southbridge. 15 000 ₽ . — , , .

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