An introduction to ARC / ORC in Nim

Nim is moving to more efficient memory management models: ARC and ORC. Let's find out exactly how they will change the way it works with memory.


Hello! In this article I will try to explain what ARC and ORC are and how they affect performance or other parts of Nim. I will not go deeply into the aspects of the software part, but will try to give a more or less high-level explanation.

Let's start from afar: Nim has always been a garbage collector (GC) language. Of course, GC can be turned off, but then when working with most of the standard library ( and it is rather big ) memory will leak.

GC Nim refc ( mark & sweep ), , markAndSweep, boehm, go, regions.

Nim' , , (owned ref) :

, Nim ARC


ARC , (Automatic Reference Counting) (move semantics). , ARC Nim , ARC Swift, — Nim ARC .

. ( runtime) , . , .

ARC GC Nim , ARC — (, , , .), . ARC C++ (RAII)

, , ARC expandArc, Nim 1.4.


proc main = 
  let mystr = stdin.readLine()

  case mystr
  of "":
    echo "!"
  of "":
    echo "!"


nim c --gc:arc --expandArc:main example.nim.

--expandArc: main

var mystr
  mystr = readLine(stdin)
  case mystr
  of "":
    echo ["!"]
  of "":
    echo ["!"]
-- end of expandArc ------------------------

— Nim main try: finally ( finally , try ) =destroy mystr, .

ARC: (scope-based MM). — . , , , . Nim' : , , , , block, for while .

ARC hooks — , , // . , , , FFI.

refc ARC ( ):

  • ( ) — .

  • — , .

  • refc, (thread-local heap), ARC . — . RFC , ARC.

  • FFI — , refc "" (.. ) , ARC. , ARC , (.dll, .so, Python' )

  • — hard realtime

  • (copy elision), Nim (cursor inference) — ()

, ARC Nim , , , .

, ARC , , , --gc:arc, (.nims .cfg).

! - ? ARC , , , . — , , . : 3 (A, B, C), , :

, , — , , .

Nim' mark & sweep refc GC, ARC - . :

ORC — Nim

ORC , ARC. GC, (local tracing phase) GC, (global tracing).

async Nim ORC, Nim' , .

ORC ARC () — ORC , hard realtime ( ) — .

ORC --gc:orc, , ORC GC Nim'

! ?

— — Nim 1.4. .

! — , !

/ :

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