Advanced CSS-in-TS

Hello, my name is Dmitry Karlovsky and I am ... the author of one of the first frameworks entirely written in typescript - $ mol . It makes the most of static typing capabilities. And today we will talk about the most rigid static fixing of styles.

This is a transcript of a talk at PiterJS # 46 . You can either watch a video recording , or open it in the presentation interface , or read as an article ...

$my_profile, : . : .


$my_profile $mol_view sub /
    <= Menu $my_panel
    <= Details $my_panel

$my_panel $mol_view sub /
    <= Head $mol_view
    <= Body $mol_scroll

. , , typescript ..

interface $my_profile extends $mol_view {
    Menu(): $my_panel
    Details(): $my_panel
} )

interface $my_panel extends $mol_view {
    Head(): $mol_view
    Body(): $mol_scroll
} )

— , . , , . .


, , DOM-. , DOM-. dom_name. , , . , , , .

interface $my_profile extends $mol_view {
    Menu(): $my_panel
    Details(): $my_panel
} )

interface $my_panel extends $mol_view {
    Head(): $mol_view
    Body(): $mol_scroll
} )




mol_view — , , , reset , , .

my_panel_body — Body $my_panel.

my_profile_details_body — $my_panel Details $my_profile.

, . , , .



[my_profile_details_body] {
    overflow: 'overlay';

[my_profile_details_body] [mol_button] {
    border-radius: .5rem;

CSS . , . , . , .


[my_profile_details_body] {
    overflow: 'overlay';

[my_profile_details_body] [mol_button] {
    border-radius: .5rem;

$mol_style_define( $my_profile , {
    Details: {
        Body: {
            overflow: 'overlay',
            $mol_button: {
                border: {
                    radius: rem(.5),
} )

$mol_style_define, StyleSheet. $my_profile JSON, , Details Body -, — -.

CSSOM: DevTools

: CSSOM, CSS style. , Chrome Dev Tools , . .

, aphrodite, — CSS. , , $mol_view.

CSS — . 3 . ..


CSSStyleDeclaration, . 500 , string.

type CSSStyleDeclaration = {
    display: string
    // 500 lines

, - , .

    display: 'black' // 


csstype, MDN. ..

type DisplayProperty =
| Globals
| DisplayOutside
| DisplayInside
| DisplayInternal
| DisplayLegacy
| "contents" | "list-item" | "none"
| string

, , ..

type DisplayProperty = string

, , .


, "" — string , - :

type Display =
| Globals
| DisplayOutside
| DisplayInside
| DisplayInternal
| DisplayLegacy
| "contents" | "list-item" | "none"
| (string & {})

, ..

    display: 'black' // 

, . Properties ..

interface Properties {

     * Whether an element is treated as a block or inline element
     * and the layout used for its children, such as flow layout, grid or flex.
    display?: 'block' | 'inline' | 'none' | ... | Common

    // etc

type Common = 'inherit' | 'initial' | 'unset'

, , , 500 CSS-.

CSS , ..

overflow: {
    x: 'auto' ,
    y: 'scroll',
    anchor: 'none',

interface Properties {
    overflow? : {
        x?:  Overflow | Common
        y?:  Overflow | Common
        anchor?: 'auto' | 'none' | Common

type Overflow = 'visible' | 'hidden' | ... | Common

, (1px, 2rem) (calc(1rem + 1px)).

interface Properties {
    width?: Size
    height?: Size

type Size =
| 'auto' | 'max-content' | 'min-content' | 'fit-content'
| Length | Common

type Length = 0 | Unit< 'rem' | ... | '%' > | Func<'calc'>

, .

class Unit< Lit extends string > {

        readonly val: number,
        readonly lit: Lit,
    ) { }

    toString() {
        return this.val + this.lit


, , , , , .

function rem( val : number ) {
    return new Unit( val , 'rem' )

    width: rem(1) // Unit<'rem'>

. , .

    Name extends string,
    Value = unknown,
> {

        readonly name: Name,
        readonly val: Value,
    ) { }

    toString() {
        return `${ }(${ this.val })`


function calc( val : string ) {
    return new Func( 'calc' , val )

    // Func< 'calc' , string >
    width: calc( '1px + 1em' )

CSS . , margin 1 4 . 1 2 - , : 4, margin-left — , 3, . , , — . , .

interface Properties {
    margin?: Directions<Length>
    padding?: Directions<Length>

type Directions< Value > =
| Value
| [ Value , Value ]
| {
    top?: Value ,
    right?: Value ,
    bottom?: Value ,
    left?: Value ,

margin: rem(.5)

padding: [ 0 , rem(.5) ]

margin: {
    top: 0,
    right: rem(.5),
    bottom: rem(.5),
    left: rem(.5),

$mol_colors — . ..

type Color =
| keyof typeof $mol_colors
| 'transparent' | 'currentcolor'
| $mol_style_func< 'hsla' | 'rgba' | 'var' >

color?: Color | Common

    color: 'snow',
    background: {
        color: hsla( 0 , 0 , 50 , .1 ),

hsl rgb , hsla rgba — , .

, . , ..

background?: {
    image?: [ $mol_style_func<'url'> ][]

background: {
    image: [

, , : , . (, ), . .

— ..

box?: {

    shadow?: readonly {
        inset: boolean
        x: Length
        y: Length
        blur: Length
        spread: Length
        color: Color


box: {
    shadow: [
            inset: true,
            x: 0,
            y: 0,
            blur: rem(.5),
            spread: 0,
            color: 'black',

, , . , . — , , , , .


, . $my_profile, Details, $my_panel, Body, $mol_scroll. , , $my_profile.

interface $my_profile {
    Details(): $my_panel
} )

interface $my_panel {
    Body(): $mol_scroll
} )

$mol_style_define( $my_profile , {
    padding: rem(1),

    Details: {
        margin: 'auto',

        Body: {
            overflow: 'scroll',
} )

, , .


$mol_type_pick, , , , .

    ()=> $mol_view,

interface $my_profile extends $mol_view {
    title(): string
    Menu(): $my_panel
    Details(): $my_panel
} )

    Menu(): $my_panel
    Details(): $my_panel

, title, . . Menu Details .


, . , , — .

interface $my_profile {
    Menu(): $my_panel
    Details(): $my_panel
} )

interface $mol_button {
} )

$mol_style_define( $my_profile , {

    $mol_button: {
        color: 'red',

    Details: {
        $mol_button: {
            color: 'blue',
} )

, , $. $mol_type_pick, .

type $mol_view_all = $mol_type_pick<
    typeof $,

namespace $ {
    export class $mol_view {}
    export class $my_panel {}
    export class $mol_tree {}

    $mol_view: typeof $mol_view
    $my_panel: typeof $my_panel

, - . — .

function $mol_style_define<
    View extends typeof $mol_view,
    Config extends Styles< View >
    view : View,
    config : Config

type Config< View extends $mol_view > = {
    $my_panel: {
        $my_panel: {
        $my_deck: {
            $my_panel: {

, , . . , .

, , .

, JSON, , . .

function $mol_style_define<
    View extends typeof $mol_view,
    Config extends StylesGuard<
    view: View,
    config: Config

    Details: {
        foo: 'bar',

    Details: {
        foo: never,

. , , .

never , , , .

never , .

, , , — - , , , .

, . $mol_view .

attr *
    mol_link_current <= current false

attr() {
    return {
        ... super.attr(),
        mol_link_current: this.current(),

: -> -> -> (, ).

    '@': {
        mol_link_current: {
            true: {
                zIndex: 1

, ..

    ':hover': {
        zIndex: 1

-. , CSS, - .

    $mol_scroll: {
        overflow: 'scroll',
        '@media': {
            'print': {
                overflow: 'visible',

, .

    '>': {

        $mol_view: {
            margin: rem(1),

        $mol_button: {
            margin: rem(0),


  • ( )
  • ( 10 500)
  • calc ( )


, $mol, mol_style_all, CSS-.

import {
} from 'mol_style_all'

const { em , rem } = $mol_style_unit
const { calc } = $mol_style_func

const props : $mol_style_properties = {
    margin: [ em(1) , rem(1) ],
    height: calc('100% - 1rem'),

, , CSS, , $mol_view. , , mam_mol — , .


, , . , , , ..

  • . . , , , pixel-perfect.
  • ! , .
  • , .
  • , .

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