From programmer to marketer

Sometimes you sit at home, code and think, but not to look out of the corner of your eye YouTube. And then, unexpectedly for yourself, in the recommendations, you open tutorials on a completely left-wing topic, such as video editing or illustrations. It would seem, where am I? The fact is that the nooks and crannies of YouTube algorithms brought the thought into my head: "What am I doing in my life?" And I was filled with determination.

A couple of tutorials

It all started with them. Not that I stop loving programming, not at all. But my hand was increasingly reaching out to open Illustrator instead of Visual Studio. It was then that DevRel came to our C ++ development department.

At first I thought that he had come with an offer to participate in some conference (which would not be bad either), but this time it was different. The marketing department needed a programmer for some of its purposes. After looking around and seeing the indifferent glances of my C ++ comrades, I was filled with determination again and went to desert for reconnaissance.

But first, I walked past the office I needed and went to smoke. In the end, the decision was significant. It seems that even in the morning I woke up as a purebred C ++ programmer, and then I was carried away by the current somewhere far from my native and cozy nest. Okay, okay, I know the intro was one big spoiler, but let me

throw in some drama xD After smoking a cigarette, drinking coffee and eating a cookie, I still got to my destination. True, first I looked to see if anyone else was interested in it (read as "Do I have competitors"). To my deepest happiness, they were not there, so the matter was small. So, I opened the door and sat down on a chair and said with the utmost enthusiasm that there was a volunteer for this venture, and he had just entered the office.

The last task

A couple of weeks later, nothing in my life has changed: the same Visual Studio with a plugin for Vim, C ++ and core tasks. I can't say that I was somehow busy with work, so it was time to reflect on the strategy for my movement. Without thinking of anything worthwhile, I went to lunch.

And then I managed to talk with the head of the marketing department about finding a programmer. To be honest, usually at dinner I talk incessantly about various "stupid" things, like philosophy; but this time I was more worried about something else. In short, this conversation bore fruit, and my tractor happily waited for the turn of the key.

The last task ... The point was that at that time I was sitting in the kernel department and doing all sorts of useful things, but rather slow in production. In parallel with the story above, I improved the calculation of the underlying types in enumerations for our analyzer, in short, it was a long process. This is where my ignition key got stuck. It seems like everyone is already aware of my move, everyone agrees, but until I finish with this I have to sit here and sit.

And I was sitting. With each week the number of cigarettes smoked increased in inverse proportion to my perseverance. Recently, another fast move was postponed indefinitely. However, in about three weeks I still managed to complete this task, and I was blessed by my team lead for desertion to move.

New world

Taking away all the things necessary for successful work: a candelabrum, a plastic revolver, a duck with CoreHard and a little more trifles; I have moved to a new position in the marketing department. If earlier I was surrounded mainly by gloomy (especially myself) guys-programmers, now I was literally surrounded by cheerful girls (including Seryoga;)) and a stream of unknown words. Fortunately, I also had a trump card in my sleeve - I could, and most importantly, could, speak the programming language. I can't say that it somehow could help the situation, but it did not cancel my skill.

Days gradually went on, and I got used to the new environment, working on vidos. Yes, my thoughts materialized, and I was calmly engaged in scripting (and then shooting). In general, our marketing department is engaged not only directly in marketing, but also in other entertaining matters, such as design, translation and organization of events. As you can see, I myself ended up doing vidos.

One of the definite advantages is that the kitchen has become closer :) And after changing my activity, for the first time ever I seriously thought about the fact that I was damn tired of coding. It was a very strange feeling, which at first I somehow drove away from myself. However, I had no time to reflect, since I had a lot of really interesting and creative tasks. Of course, this was the first impression, but after three months I can say that it really turned out to be very cool to work here.

What's going on here?

Let's not get ahead of ourselves and remember my "little" misunderstanding of the local dialect. How can I tell you, I was not a marketer at all. Of course, I once read there instead of couples at the university, all sorts of Internet and other "reliable" sources of information. So once again, having mustered up the determination, I thought about how to begin to understand what they were talking about, so that conversations in the open space would bring me more benefit than background noise.

Walking towards the kitchen, I remembered the books. No, not to buy, you misunderstood. We have a small library with useful books on marketing, programming and other things that are useful to us. I climbed there.

More precisely, a little lower - in the shelf with notebooks. "Since I need to study something, I need another notebook," I thought, and took A4 without a ruler as usual. After that, I was a little happy with the new notebook, peed a little in it, drank coffee and forgot what I wanted to do at all. Luckily, a colleague in the marketing department was collecting books to read on vacation. However, rather unfortunately, because there are a limited number of books.

Okay, anyway, she's not working here for the first time, so she doesn't need anything for dummies. In short, after a couple more cups of coffee, I still got back to the books. Of course, I was tempted to take another notebook, but I was strong in spirit, so I took another pen and the first book, where I saw the cherished words "A to Z" and the word marketing in the title.

So my acquaintance with the subtleties of the local language and the specifics of the department began. Fortunately, the book turned out to be an excellent introduction with a list of useful terms and an explanation of what's what. By the way, the name was not deceiving, the chapters are really arranged in alphabetical order and reveal the essence of the basic concepts and ideas used in marketing. If you suddenly want to delve into this topic, then Kotler's "Marketing from A to Z" is a pretty good option.

So I'm delving into theory at lunch ...

View from the outside

But what impressed me most about this whole procession was how I started looking at our product. In the end, for over a year I worked in the C ++ department and was developing an analyzer. During this time, I fixed many bugs, wrote many features, attended conferences, participated in many discussions and was generally a typical developer. Because of this, my view of the product was a little different - I saw it from the inside, and not as a user.

Now I have the opportunity to see him differently. And this was a real discovery. It would seem that such a dear boy full of legacy code turned out to be an adult uncle who is capable of a lot. So many different components, which I almost did not pay attention to before, turned out to be very impressive.

After the transition, I saw what I had been working on all this time from the other side and was delighted. No, I didn't decide to go back after that. However, I learned an important thing from this - if you are a developer, then try to look at the entire product as a whole and you will see its true harmony (or not).

Marketing programmer

And now I am writing this article. You know, I really loved editing and video production. Interesting, to be honest, the process. But what has not yet been determined - how to call myself.

When I was a developer, everything was extremely simple - C / C ++ Programmer. It sounded impressive. True, the famous cry "you are a programmer" at times echoed inside my head. Therefore, at first I called myself the one who is involved in video editing. But here's the bad luck - one could not even imagine how many people around are in need of video editing! Therefore, after a couple of weeks, I started to keep quiet about video editing. And then a brilliant idea appeared in my head.

If you've played TES or any other RPG with a crazy leveling system, then you've definitely had wild class combinations, like a thief in heavy armor. So, by analogy with this, I came up with a class for myself: a marketing programmer.

The bottom line is this: when people around you cast the spell "tyzh programmer", then you can say that in fact I am more of a marketer. And life immediately improved, the grass became greener, the sun brighter, autumn receded and it became immediately warm. Well, to be serious, you had to name yourself somehow, otherwise it was not solid.

Marketing influence

So I went from an ordinary programmer to a marketing programmer (yes, yes, I know that there is no such profession). There was a lot of fun along the way and I hope it will continue that way.

Before and after:

In the second photo I'm glad, really ...

As an advertisement:

As a matter of fact, we are developing static analysis (that's why a programmer was needed in marketing), so if you are wondering how you can find bugs in your code and spend a minimum of time, then click :)

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