Definitely Not Windows 95: Which Operating Systems Support Space, Part 2

Cloud4Y continues to talk about what real-time operating systems are used in spacecraft, what features and disadvantages they have. This is the second and final part of the story. The first part was here.


In the last ten years, there have been no significant changes in space operating systems. NASA was more or less satisfied with the work of the proprietary VxWork program, even in the most difficult missions. But the European Space Agency had its own workhorse. ESA has invested heavily in the development of open source RTEMS . According to European scientists, their operating room is just as effective, but at the same time more profitable, since it does not require license fees. 

Initially, RTEMS was not created for flights on European spacecraft. It was intended to launch American missiles. The history of this RTOS began with a study conducted at the US Army Missile Command Research and Development Center back in 1988. The military concluded that the use of proprietary real-time operating systems caused a number of problems. In particular, the code was not owned by the government, so it could not change it. Moreover, the study argued that the responsibility for software glitches looked unclear, and the RTOS of that era were too slow for rocket systems. For all these reasons, the army decided to create its own RTOS called Real-Time Executive for Missile Systems. The challenge was to make an RTOS fast enough to control missiles,government-owned, easy to use on multiple processor families, and does not require a license. 

RTEMS , . Real-Time Executive for Military Systems. 4 1995 , RTEMS , Real-Time Executive for Multiprocessor Systems. 

. -, RTEMS , . , - SPARC LEON, , . -, . , VxWorks, RTEMS , . . 

— , RTEMS VxWorks. VxWorks , . . WindRiver : . RTEMS

, RTEMS 256 , VxWorks. . . RTEMS - . , Simple Priority Scheduler, , . , , .

, Earliest Deadline First Scheduler — , , , . - , — RTEMS . 

, , «B», , . «B» , «» . , RTEMS. , «», , . , , «» «». , — , «» . 

VxWorks Sentinel 1 2014 . , Solar Orbiter, RTEMS.

VxWorks RTEMS . . , 2004 , , - , , RTEMS VxWorks , . , VxWorks, RTEMS. , .

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« SpaceChain», — . «SpaceChain , . , . , ».

SpaceChain, SpaceChain, .

 SpaceChain OS was launched with Falcon 9
SpaceChain Falcon 9

SpaceChain . -, Sylix . , Sylix . RTEMS. , Real Time Executive , «M» «» (Missile). Sylix . — .

« , , », — , , « , . , . Linux . Sylix ».

SpaceChain OS — . , , SpaceChain. Sylix , .

« : SpaceChain, SpaceChain, », - . « SpaceChain , , ». SpaceChain. , , , - , .

, , . SpaceChain -: 2018 CZ-4B Y34 2019 SpaceX , . .

No, win95 is not used on spaceships.  It's just a fun photoshop.
, win95 .

— , . , , - SpaceChain .

« SpaceChain RTEMS, , , RTEMS», — . — « , . . , , - - ». 

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, , . VxWorks 7 Wind River , . , ( ), , . , , , macOS. , VxWorks , , , .

, , SpaceChain , , . , . . ( ), . 4- .

, , , . — . , . , SpaceChain OS , . , . , .



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→  Bell Labs, 1960-

 Telegram-, .

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