Perfect Temptation

There are many temptations around us. We are offered to buy one and get rid of the other. We are ready to agree with some things, but we have practically developed a persistent reflex - not to succumb to provocation. They try to fight this reflex, if a person is not given time to think, then he turns out to be unable to resist deception. The problem is that these tricks are only temporary. Reality persistently reminds of those mistakes that were committed. But there is a way to come to terms with reality.

The problem with common temptation is that it is built on deception. First, a gullible buyer is encouraged to perform a key action, and then he is not given exactly what he promised. And then they do not give anything at all. This continues only because there is no alternative - everyone is lying, an exception to this rule is almost impossible to find. Everyone is used to it and everyone does the same. It remains only to wait for the moment when the truth cannot be found anywhere and it will be impossible to sell.

But it will also become an opportunity for those who decide to give up lying and sell honestly. To this you say: if you don't cheat, you won't sell. Let me correct this classic saying a little. In my interpretation, it sounds like this: if you don't seduce, you won't sell. And this is a completely different matter. Deception is not cheating. Seduction is the release of inner desires. After that, the most difficult thing will remain - not to deceive the inner desire. The client will then come back to you again and again.

Why do you have to cheat? The answer is obvious - you need to make a profit, and this is an excess of income over expenses. In a competitive environment, it is difficult to increase income, so you have to sell a cheap fake. Fortunately, there is a better way - you need to make the customer want to buy from you and exactly what you have. But how to do that? First, let's try to figure out what temptation is.

First, you need to have bait. This is what a person wants to have no matter what. Ideal if the bait costs nothing to you. Secondly, there must be an obstacle in front of this bait. If it is not there, then nothing will stop the client from coming and taking the bait without your participation. And thirdly, there must be your goal, that is, for which the temptation is invented. The client must overcome the obstacle, swallow the bait, and after that your goal must be fulfilled. It seems that there is nothing extraordinary here, but this is only at first glance. The only question is - what is the bait, what is the obstacle, and what is the goal.

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