The largest free electronic library goes into interplanetary space

Library Genesis is the diamond of the Internet. The online library, with free access to over 2.7 million books, took a welcome step this week. One of the library's web mirrors now offers the ability to download files via IPFS , a Distributed File System.

There is an obvious fact behind this - the Library Genesis book collection is uploaded to IPFS, zipped and connected to the search. This means that it is now a little harder to deny people access to our shared cultural and scientific heritage.

About LibGen

In the early 2000s, dozens of collections of scientific books lay on the still-free internet. The largest collections I can remember - KoLXo3, mehmat and mirknig - contained tens of thousands of textbooks, publications and other important djvus and pdfs for students by 2007.

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2008 ( , . , -. Library Genesis.

2008 LibGen . , MySQL . , .

Sci-Hub, 2013 . - . , LibGen Sci-Hub - .

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LibGen , , - . . IPFS.

IPFS . . , , LibGen .

, IPFS , . . , .

LibGen IPFS- . IPFS LibGen. , Internet Archive reddit, IPFS, .

, IPFS LibGen, , . IPFS- , .


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