How to recognize industrial parts from photographs using machine vision

Hello, Habr! Today we'll talk about how neural networks can help in detail recognition and why it is needed at all. Recently one of our clients contacted us - a large industrial company, a manufacturer of trucks and their components. The parts included a large number of possible names. Because of this, employees made mistakes in visual recognition. We decided to create an application based on computer vision and neural networks. With its help, they began to check whether the worker made the right choice (Fig. 1). It was also additionally necessary to verify the name of the recognized part with the name indicated in the order invoice.

Figure:  1
Figure: 1


. 500-700 . . , . . , . . .

, , . . , , .

(Bounding Box) (Object detection). , , , (Image segmentation) . (. 2)

Figure:  2
. 2

- , , Mask R-CNN. , . Mask R-CNN Faster R-CNN, . . Faster R-CNN , . .

. . (. 3, 4, 5, 6)

Figure:  3
. 3
Figure:  4
. 4
Figure:  five
. 5
Fig. 6

HPE DL380 c NVIDIA Tesla v100. , 8 12 .

, , :  

1. , (, , ). .

2. - , . , .


. .

(. 7 8) . . - . . , . , : , .

Fig. 7.  Sample First Class Photos
Figure:  8. Example of second grade photos
. 8.


  , . , . , . , ‘’ ’’ (. 9).

Fig. 9

, , 2000 . (‘’ ’’ ) 4000 .

. , 4000 , , : . , . 120 , . , . .

. (. 10, 11).

Fig. 10
Fig. 11

, , , . , . , .

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backend SAP Data Intelligence.

SAP Data intelligence

 SAP Data Intelligence , (, python ). (-, , REST-). , flow-based . , ERP / MES , . . , . ( multiplicity) kubernetes. , , , .

, , . , . Cisco Cisco Hyperflex, , .

SAP Data Intelligence , , Kubernetes , . , Cisco&SAP, .

SAP Data Intelligence . OpenAPI. backend . Data Intelligence (. 12).

Fig. 12.  The architecture used to implement the tasks
.12. ,
Fig. 13.  Pipeline in data intelligence
.13. Data intelligence

openui5. , .

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- ,  Data Science, SAP CIS

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