Separation by tags in our blog

As you know, our blog is constantly updated with content on programming and various interesting points affecting our company. Articles are becoming more and more diverse, their number is growing, and now, to find material on a topic of interest, you just need to select the desired tag. And ... voila! We can see a filtered list of articles by the section we need.

In addition to our site, we publish many of our articles on  Habr , and if it is possible to categorize material on it by categories or tags, then we did not have such a function before. It was not there not because we were lazy, but because initially we did not see the point in this. Many authors publish on Habr or other resources with such functionality, touching on various professional fields. On our website, articles mainly appeared on the topic of static analysis, the C ++ language and checking open source projects. Accordingly, it would be strange to write the tags "Static Analysis", "C ++" and "Open Source" in each article. Therefore, for a long time they were distributed only according to the type of project being checked on  this page.: OS, browsers, game projects, compilers, programming languages, graphics and sound applications, etc.

Over time, when PVS-Studio began to support C # and Java, and programming articles were diversified by marketing ones, entering tags for a more convenient search became an understandable and necessary thing. For example, now opening  this article , you will see 2 tags: "Cpp" and "GameDev".

Everything is logical here - the article is devoted to checking a game project in C ++. By clicking on the " GameDev " tag , we navigate to all articles that match that topic, and at the top is a clickable list of all the tags by which blog articles have already been categorized.

, "Cpp", "CSharp", "Java" "Release", , , . , "StaticAnalysis". , , , PVS-Studio. , , , , . , ..

"Marketing" , , , , GitHub, , YouTube .

"Knowledge" , , , , .

"DevOps", "OS", "Compiler", "GameDev", "Embedded" , .

"Security" SAST, , , PVS-Studio , .

"64bit" 64- : , 64- , , , , – .

, , , , . , .

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