How I made a bot that monitors my employees, monitors my workouts, weight and reading books

Hi, my name is Anton Lantsov, I'm 26 years old. I am a redhead and I always have a million ideas, some of which I implement successfully, some not.

Employee control

In 2014, I bought the Claustrophobia franchise (real life quests). This was my first serious business where I needed to control my employees. We called the guys who led the quests "Quest Operators".

Every day we had to monitor the operators and collect the following information:

  1. Time of arrival at the location (clients could come at any time, and the check was from 2500 rubles, any loss is critical and annoying).
  2. Change shift time (so that the location does not remain without an operator).
  3. Time to leave work.
  4. Breakdowns and malfunctions of quests (it was necessary to find out quickly in order to call an engineer, otherwise bad reviews will fly that the quest does not work).
  5. Cleaning.
  6. Number of games per day.
  7. Revenue per day.

At that time, we got along just fine with a common chat on VKontakte and Google Sheets:

  1. Time of arrival at the location. Came - send a photo to the chat.
  2. — .
  3. — .
  4. . Google- .
  5. —
  6. — Google- .
  7. — Google- .

All this worked only when the operator did not forget about these daily reports, which took only 3-4 minutes. Reminding in each chat (and there were two chats, since we had two locations with quests) was very tiring every day, and the one who was supposed to remind the operators could forget himself.

The system was very dependent on human memory and easily any jamb was justified "Oh, I forgot (a) ..."

We only dreamed of automation, because the API for "Google Sheets" and bots in "VKontakte" appeared much later than 2014 ... And then all the hands did not reach. Everything seems to work and let it work.

In February 2019, I sold quests.

In December 2018, I managed to open one point of electro-mapping for children, and in 2016 I created a company to analyze and assess the potential of a retail space.

There are now two locations in electric karting, the operators of which need to be monitored every day, just like in quests.

There are many so-called runners in an analytics company who count traffic every day at different points. The office also has staff. The effectiveness of their work must also be monitored.

Fortunately, we now have Telegram and Google Sheets with open APIs.

According to my needs, I made a bot "Fluffy - a bot for controlling employees and myself" (I called it that because it pushes everyone from the word "push" - "to push").

Now I control operators in electric karting like this: The



bot at the right time sends requests to our general chat, the answers to which I need to know. And I control the guys in the office and other staff in the same way: The


guys are responsible for what they did during the day and how they are doing. The bot also praises and reminds of some tasks. Everything works like a clock, no one forgets anything and no one needs to remind anything manually.

The creation of any request looks like this:


One of the most important features is that the bot can be added to the general chat and it will always automatically write there when you configure it.

You can also customize the bot's reaction to each answer option.

Example 1:

Bot: How much is the revenue today?

Employee: 12 thousand rubles.

Bot: Great, you are great today. Enjoy your stay!

Example 2:

Bot: How much is the revenue today?

Employee: 9,000 rubles.

Bot: Not bad, but not enough to conquer the world. Let's turn it up tomorrow, friends.

Another uniqueness of the bot is that, in fact, employees see your avatar, and not some soulless standard picture, so employees always feel the presence of their boss. It's better not to joke with a girl using a bot.


All answers are recorded in the Google spreadsheet that you link to the bot.


In a Google spreadsheet, I built graphs that I admire and watch trends and evaluate the performance of a particular business (you yourself know that a lot of useful information can be drawn from a flat spreadsheet).


Controlling my workouts and reading books

I love statistics and I am interested in seeing how I achieve results. I created a chat "Anton of the Future" with my bot and set up tasks for myself. It looks like I'm kicking myself out of the future to get better. Cool.

To keep fit, I have swimming twice a week and push-ups every day.

It's too early to talk about success in swimming, I'll start writing down when I can swim some standard distances while I'm practicing my technique.

For push-ups, I from the future kicked the present myself every day until I scored a month later.


I am such an athlete, of course. But the attempt was worthwhile. We still have to start again. Here are the statistics on push-ups:


Reading is the same. Set up the query "How many pages did you read today?" I read, but not enough to be proud of it.


Who is this bot for

This bot significantly reduces the time spent on monitoring simple business processes and makes a pinpoint focus on specific metrics that can be tracked and lived. I think this bot will be useful for:

Entrepreneur . Control of employees and business according to specific metrics.

Personal trainer . Set yourself metrics that will help you improve every day ("How many pages did you read today?" "How many push-ups?" "Eat?" "Who are grateful to today?").

Fitness trainers. Maintaining groups, collecting reviews, sending messages to several chats. Systematic kicking of specific people.

Business trainer, tracker. Achieving results through daily tracking.

Athlete . Tracking results.

I hope I gave you some thoughts. This bot is definitely able to change our life and add consistency and statistics to it.

But the statistics of bot users are growing and well.


I re-read the article before publication and realized that I am still that tyrant boss.

But this is not at all the case.

The numbers are all for them!

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