Flame graphics: "fire" from all engines

Hello everyone again! We invite you to an online meeting with Vasily Kudryavtsev (Director of the Quality Assurance Department at RTLabs JSC), which will take place as part of the Load Testing course. And here's the translation of Michael Hunger - software developer and editor of Neo4j Developer Blog and GRANDstack!

Java , ( ), , . . .

, , Netflix, flame-, , .

Flame- , , . , . ( , , . . )

Flame plot of a benchmark filling in an unallocated ArrayList
Flame- ArrayList

Flame' (main ) flame'.

, . , . flame , , - . , , , , , .

JVM (AsyncGetCallTrace), . , JVM- , , , / , flame-.

, Honest Profiler, perf-map-agent, async-profiler IntelliJ IDEA, flame-. 

, PID Java- SVG.

# download and unzip async profiler for your OS from:
# https://github.com/jvm-profiling-tools/async-profiler
./profiler.sh -d <duration> -f flamegraph.svg -s -o svg <pid> && \
open flamegraph.svg  -a "Google Chrome"

SVG, , , . , .. 

Flame- β€” . , , JVM, .

? Demo- Β« - Performance center (PC) VugenΒ»!

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