Club Computer Science courses are now online

Due to the COVID-19 epidemic, the Club's Computer Science courses are now online. In the spring semester, we managed to conduct two offline courses: "Probabilistic Algorithms" (IA Mikhaylin, UCSD) and "Classical Coding Theory and New Applications" (V. Skachek, University of Tartu). Both courses are available on record, and the rest of the courses had to be canceled.

Instead of canceled courses, we organized several open online lectures:

  1. "Random number generators: theory and practice" (A. Shen, LIRMM, Montpellier)
  2. SANNS: Scaling Up Secure Approximate k-Nearest Neighbors Search (I. Razenshtein, Microsoft Research),
  3. Machine Learning and Data Privacy (I. Mironov, Facebook AI),
  4. “Lattices and packing of balls” (V. Kleptsyn, CNRS, University of Rennes).

Now I'm going to talk about some of the cool courses taking place this semester.

In September, we launched two full courses at the club.

  1. "Review course in theoretical computer science" . Lectures are given by Dmitry Itsykson (POMI RAS), seminars are conducted by Svyatoslav Gryaznov (POMI RAS).

  2. Fine-grained complexity . Lectures are given by Ivan Mikhailin (UCSD).

For both courses, several classes have already taken place, but you can still turn on - the videos of all previous lectures are already on the site.

In October, Konstantin Makarychev (Northwestern University) began publishing the video course "Algorithms: Additional Chapters" (approximately according to the program of his course for graduate students, but in Russian). The video is posted on the course website and on the club website . In addition to video lectures, seminars are held. Seminars are conducted by Alexander Shen (LIRMM) and Ilya Razenstein (Microsoft Research). The course is organized as follows: video lectures appear on Monday, and their discussion takes place on Friday. Registration of listeners, newsletter, posting homework assignments and sending solutions are organized through the club's website. At the end, an online exam is expected for those who wish.

In addition, we plan to continue to host open lectures on various topics. This Sunday there was an open lecture "Memory models of programming languages: problems, solutions and directions of development" by Anton Podkopaev (MPI-SWS, JetBrains Research, HSE).

Other courses and open lectures are planned. Subscribe to the club's public pages in social networks or to our mailing list - links can be found on our website (in the “basement” of the website). Participation in the lectures is open to everyone.

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