An advanced course on Kubernetes starts on October 14: the last one this year

On October 14, Kubernetes Mega begins, an online intensive course for experienced Kubernetes users. The last one in 2020.

In the program: working with Kubeadm, testing and troubleshooting a cluster, authorization via LDAP and OIDC, network policies, security policies, management of secrets, backups and restores, certificate rotation, templating and deployment, Service Mesh. The course is complex, suitable for experienced Kubernetes users.

The objective of the course is to introduce students to advanced mechanisms for ensuring application security and resiliency.

Examples of lessons from the basic course :

Lecture: cluster troubleshooting

Lecture: Advanced Kubernetes Abstractions

Practice: pods, limits, deploy

Training lasts 3 days, from 10:00 to 19:00. Includes 12 blocks and 12 practical sessions at dedicated stands. Lectures - via Zoom. Answers to questions - by voice, via Telegram. We recommend that you completely free these 3 days, it is almost impossible to combine intensive with work.


  • Pavel Selivanov, Senior DevOps Engineer at
  • Sergey Bondarev, Southbridge architect and developer of kubespray with pull request rights.
  • Marsel Ibraev, CTO "Slurm".

Intensive cost: 50,000 rubles. There is an installment plan, payment is possible under the contract.

Participation in "Kubernetes Mega" assumes that the student knows the basic abstractions and components of Kubernetes, and has worked with Kubernetes in practice. You can pass the readiness test and immediately get the result on the website.

Learn more and register

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