Samolike karma on Habré


Hello dear residents of Khabrov, in this small post I want to show how you can self-cycle your karma.

I recently got out of karmoyama, finally grew to zero, but there is still little karma, after a short thought, I came up with an idea, is it possible to raise karma for myself, as it turned out - yes, you can, who is interested, I ask under the cat

The first thing to understand is the absence of karma arrows on your page:

But these arrows are present on the pages of other users, and this is what we will use.

To do this, we need to find out our habro-Id, which can be taken from the source code of our page (for example):

<div class="page-header page-header_full js-user_1122490">

(Actually this id - 1122490 can be taken from two places on the page.)

The essence of the idea is to insert your habro-Id into the page of another user who has active voting arrows for karma, etc. raise your own karma.

In order not to go into details, I made a video on how this can be done, you can watch it here:

Thank you for attention.


bug was fixed, literally in an hour, thanksNomad_77...

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