AWS Meetup Terraform & Terragrunt. Anton Babenko (2020)

Terraform is a popular Hashicorp tool for managing your cloud infrastructure in the Infrastructure as a Code paradigm .

Terragrunt is a wrapper for Terraform that provides additional tools for storing your Terraform configurations, working with multiple Terraform modules, and managing remote state.



AWS Community Hero. ā€“ Terraform-, Terraform. , HashiCorp-.

open source . , Terraform-, community-modules, aws-modules. , - - .

, , , Pre-commit-terraform. , . .

. , , Delivery Excellence. Terraform Terraform.

, GitHub , Linkedin . , open source, open source.

  • All-things Terraform + AWS + DevOps.

  • Consulting.

  • Workshops.

  • Trainings.

  • Mentorship.

Open source ā€“ . open source. , : Ā« ? ?Ā». .

- , Terraform, Terraform Terraform workspace, : Ā« workshops , ?Ā». workshops.

- , . ., , - , , - , , pull request, , -. , -.

email: anton [] , , , . . , , . .

Terraform AWS ā€“ , 2017- , - , . , VPC Amazon. , - . , , - , , . . .

, . .

, . . .

7 000 000 , 1 000 pull requests issues . 6 , GitHub. -, , . , .

, , Cloudcraft. , , . . , . , , .

Cloudcraft , , AWS-.

, , , , , , . . . , . . , . , Powerpoint. , clickops, ā€“ , , . , , .

, ā€“ , , , . , . . . cndb, Systems Manager Amazon. .


Terraform 0.12 Terraform 0.11.

, Terraform . , . Terraform . , Terraform .

Amazon 2011- : Ā« CloudFormationĀ». , . Spectrum, Fogs . ., JSON, YAML . ., . . - . DSL . . GitHub , , orchestration-cloudformation. . Spectrum ā€“ , -.

, Google , , , , Python, Jinja Tempating, . Google.

Azure , , , JSON. , , . , . Azure ARM Terraform . , - , Terraform ā€“ , JSON, .

Chef, Ansible, Puppet, . , , . .

: - , public cloud Amazon, Google, Azure . . configuration management - , , . , : , , .

Terraform 2014- , , , , CloudFormation, CloudFormation , , . .

Terraform, , 250 , . . HashiCorp Configuration Language, , .

Terraform , , . Terraform , - . Terraform, . Terraform . CloudFormation . , CloudFormation , 2013-2014- , .

Terraform mainframes, workers . . , , 2014- . , , API , Terraform . Terraform . use cases.

API , . . email Google permeation Dropbox, . , , Terraform . use cases.

use cases, . , Minecraft . , -. . , . , Terraform? , . hsale, , . , . Terraform , , , . , .

, - . , . - , , . . Terraform. Terraform , API .

, , . , , - , email, GitHub-, Jira. pull requests Terraform. .

Terraform, 3 :

, : Ā« ?Ā». ā€“ best practices . , best practices ā€“ , terraform-best-practices. . . . , . , , Terraform . , , , , . , , - .

, , . : Ā« Ā», . ., , - , , email pull request , . , , . - .

. , , Terraform ā€“ , . , , , . Terraform , , work space .


Terraform 0.11 , . . . s3_bucket.

Terraform 0.12 . , . . , .

. ; , , .

Terraform 0.11, , , , , try, false . , . Correct conditional operators , , , , . Terraform AWS . .

? ? 100 -500 , . Terraform plan, Terraform apply environment, . , . test cases : . . . . , Terraform . . . , Terraform - , , review, .

. . , Terraform, . . HashiCorp . , Terraform 0.12 , .

. , HashiCorp ā€“ , , . . open source.

, 0.11 0.12 .

-, upgrade guide, , , , . . , 90 % , .

, Terraform 0.12, 0.11 , Terraform state , 0.12. , -, , , state , , .

, . - 0.12, - , , .

, tfenv. .

, , . , . ? -. , AWS. , . . Terraform-, . . .

, : Ā«, , ?Ā», Terraform state , . .

, Terraform , .

, , Terraform , Terraform . , .

, all-in-one, tf Terraform-. , , outputs. , refresh , plan . .

ā€“ , 1-in-1. . - , - , . , .

. : all-in-one 1-in-1? , , , all-in-one ā€“ , 1-in-1 ā€“ .

MFA (Most Frequent Answer) ā€“ .

, - , . Google : Ā«Google, - , Ā»,, - ā€“ all-in-one. , . Terraform plan 20 . all-in-one.

, , all-in-one , . , , . , environment. . . - .

1-in-1 , . , Registry, VPC-. , , , . . - , . 1-in-1.

, , - Terraform-, - , , .

, , Terragrunt, 1-in-1 .


, all-in-one. Terraform plan. 15 . . , - . Terraform apply, 15 , Ā«YesĀ», .

, , main targets. terraform apply -targets = module.vpc. VPC. , shell-, makefile, PowerShell - Terraform, , war- , . .

1-in-1, mikefile . Terraform apply , Terraform apply . . . . , make terraform apply - . .

? , state input . , , shell-, , . , , Terraform apply, data-source , Terraform remote state . . shell-, makefiles.

? ? . . Terraform Terraform.

, . . ? Terraform . . . , Ā«Terraform applyĀ». -, . , .

, Terraform , , . .

, Terragrunt. .

ā€“ Terraform Terraform-.

, Terragrunt, Terraform-. , , Terraform-. Terragrunt Terraform-.

, . Terragrunt .

, , Ā«starĀ» GitHub, 3 000 . , . .

, , , . .

, , . Terragrunt-reference-architecture , . , . , , . , , .

Terragrunt. .hcl. , - Terraform , .

3 , . inputs 14- , . , , Terragrunt.

: registry, . , 3. , . 14. terragrunt apply .

Terraform, , . , AutoScaling 200-300 , .

, , Terraform, AWS SDK, , .

, Amazon, DevOps, , Terraform-. , , : .

: Terragrunt , , , .

Terragrunt. , hooks . . , hooks , . - hooks .

. 10 , , autoscaling group, VPC. VPC? 11 , VPC. autoscaling group, public subnet . 20 dependency.vpc.outputs.public_subnets.

, - : Ā« , data-source data-sourceā€™ - state ?Ā». , terraform output. Terragrunt? , (.vpc) terraform outputs.public_subnets. subnets dependency.vpc. vpc_zone_identifier. data-source . .

. 1-in-1, , , , terragrunt apply, , - , Ā«YesĀ» . . terragrunt apply all, , , . : Ā« ?Ā». Ā«Ā». , .

Terragrunt pre-commit. pre-commit hooks Terragrunt , .

-, . , . -, . , . -, .

, Terragrunt, , Terraform Cloud. ? Terragrunt , , .

Terraform Cloud, Terragrunt . Terraform Cloud . , , 0 70 . -, .

, , Terraform Cloud ā€“ , , open source. , enterprise. , open source , shell-. - workspaces. - open source enterprise, .


, Terraform, Terraform apply. , . , - . Ā«Terraform workspaces newĀ» workspace. Ā«Terraform planĀ». Terraform plan : Ā« Ā». . . , workspace, , - workspace. workspace , . 100 .

ā€“ , workspaces . shell-, bucket , .

ā€“ workspaces, . , Terraform.workspaces = prod, 5, 25. , . , 5 environment , , lookup . lookup , Terraform workspaces. , .

: Ā« workspaces ? production QA environment?Ā». : Ā« , slackĀ». . - : Ā« staging production environment ?Ā». .

, , , Terraform . Terraform.tfvars, , . , instances. .

workspaces, . S3_bucket, state .

, . . : Ā« , , workspaces nameĀ». .

workspaces , workspaces ā€“ . . workspaces workspaces shell-, AWS-, , , .

use cases, workspaces . , . , , , .

use cases , , pull request. . . pull request, - workspaces, , -, GitHub. - , , . , workspaces. , , . - . , production environment workspaces.

use cases . , . inmem. workspaces. . . workspaces , - - . , , Terraform state, Terraform backend configuration type inmem ( ). , .

workspaces , , , . , , , workspaces. , workspaces, - . , Feature 1. , terraform apply. , . , terraform destroy.

, , , , .

Terraform workspaces . . , 20 , 10 . workspaces, . .

, , . , Terraform. , , .

Terraform developers . , , DevOps-.

DevOps- Terraform 0.12, . . , , , . ? , , .

DevOps- Terraform developers reference architectures, . , ICS-, 100 , Amazon load balancer, . . . cloud- DevOps- , 100 , , . , , , , , . Terraform-, frontend-, , Terraform. : Ā« , - Ā». , .

Terraform , frontend developer, 0.12 5 , . , , . . Terraform 0.12 ā€“ Terraform developer, .

, full stack developer Terraform. - , , frontend application. , . .

, , . - , , , frontend developer, backend developer, machine learning . . DevOps- , , . . ? .

- 2 , , .

. , - - , , .

. , , , , , - .


, Terraform AWS . Terragruntā€™ .

, , . open source . , .

, , , . Terraform best practices , , Terragrunt.

, , Terraform , . Terragrunt - - .

, , . , , , , open source, , pull requests, issues . .

, , , . , . , . , Amazon. Amazon, . - . , . . 10 , , . . , - close course .

Terraform ā€“ . , Terraform-, . . 99 % Terraform , . . , . .

. . . , Delivery excellence.

! . , Terraform Cloud ā€“ , . Terraform backend. tfstate, . , S3, Diff, , CI. Terraform pipeline. all-in-one, 1-in-1. Terraform depends_on, . . . , Terragrunt . ?

, . , Terraform Cloud , . , open source community, , 99 % Terraform Cloud , . , Atlantis, GitHub-actions. - .

Terraform Cloud, . , , . Remote state Terraform S3.

, , . , Terraform Cloud, Atlantis, Terraform pull request. . . pull request, atlantis plan. Terraform , - Jenkins. AWS forget instance. Terraform plan pull request. .

Atlassian Terraform. Terraform Cloud. . .


? , ?

. , , MasterCard REST Provider. , swagger . Terraform- swagger . swagger , swagger , . . - , .

. Amazon, , - issue , , . upload , : Ā« ? ?Ā». - , , Brian . , .

, . , . open source?



Cloudcraft ā€“ open source.

. , , , Terraform, AWS. , - AWS. ?

, , , . , , . . . , ? , EC2 instance, 50 : IP-, subnet . . . . - - . . , open source ., open source, Cloudcraft, .

! , , . Terraform-. Terraform Helm Charts?

, .


. Terraform- Terraform . , provisioning, , shell- ā€“ Terraform. , . Helm Charts . , - . , Helm Terraform, - . , , , . Terraform , . . . Helm, Kubernetes, - , Terraform apply. Terraform apply . .

, . - Helm, . issue Ā«Helm 3 provider TerraformĀ», , - . , -, . .

, Kubernetes- Terraform. , , .

. , - use cases. -, Kubernetes-. , - , . Terraform , , . , Kubernetes, Terraform . .

! . , count output , list map?

. . , - ?

, VPC VPC, - , restrictions security group VPC. list.

, - , , Terraform , , , , . , Terragrunt. . . Terragrunt . . outputā€™ . Terragrant , , . , , .

Terraform, , , Terraform .

, . terraform apply -target , terragrunt apply . , Terragrunt. . . ā€“target , . , , , , , .

, ! all-in-one 1-in-1. , . . AWS. , , AWS, . all-in-one . . Terragrunt, , . ? , ā€“ all-in-one 1-in-1.

, MFA somewhere in between. , , . use cases ā€“ . , 100-500 AM userā€™ . - . all-in-one . all-in-one, 1-in-1 .

And I wanted to show more that there are such ways. There is one way, there is a second way. And you know the advantage of both one and the second way. And then you can come up with a third way, which is somewhere in between. In live projects, I have not met completely all-in-one. If you separate everything to the point of fanaticism, it turns out to be impractical. And it turns out a lot of code that can be grouped.

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