FOSS News β„–37 - digest of news and other materials about free and open source software for October 5-11, 2020


We continue to digest news and other materials about free and open source software and a little about hardware. The most important thing about penguins and not only, in Russia and the world. The evolution of the telecom industry from closedness to openness, open source GitHub Docs, Facebook develops TransCoder to translate code from one programming language to another, 8 tips on how not to do Open Source, how to run KDE Plasma on Windows through WSL2, and much more.

Table of contents

  1. the main thing

    1. : Β« Β»
    2. GitHub Docs
    3. Facebook TransCoder
    4. 8 , Open Source
    5. KDE Plasma Windows WSL2

    1. DevOps
    2. Data Science
    3. Web

    1. DevOps
    2. Data Science
    3. Web

: Β« Β»

Linux Foundation Networking (LFN) hosted its first virtual event last week, and's Swapnil Bhartia interviewed Arpit Joshipura, General Manager of Networks, IoT and Edge at Linux Foundation, to discuss the highlights of the event and how LFN leads the implementation of open source in telecommunications. One of Joshipura's key thoughts: β€œFirst, 5 years ago, all of them (telecom providers - DV) used a black box and their own technologies. Then we launched a project called OpenDaylight. And, of course, OpenDaylight announced today its 13th release, and this is a kind of 6-year anniversary of the beginning of their journey from proprietary to the present day and one of the most active projects called ONAP (Open Network Automation Platform - D.V. ). Carriers are 4 out of the top 10 open source developers, right? Who would have thought that AT&T, Verizon, Amdocs, DT, Vodafone, China Mobile and China Telecom are all actively contributing? So this is a paradigm shift in terms of not only consumption, but also contribution . "

Details (en)

Open source GitHub Docs

OpenNET writes: β€œ GitHub announced the open source of the service, and also posted the documentation posted there in Markdown format. The code can be used to create interactive sections for viewing and navigating the project documentation, originally in Markdown format and translated into various languages. Users can also suggest their edits and new documents. In addition to GitHub, this code is also used by the Atom and Electron projects to organize structured access to documentation. The code is written in JavaScript and is open under the MIT license, while documentation and other data are available under the CC-BY license . "

Source and links to details

Facebook develops TransCoder to translate code from one programming language to another

OpenNET writes: β€œ Engineers at Facebook have published the TransCoder transcompiler, which uses machine learning techniques to transform source code from one high-level programming language to another. Support is currently provided for translating code between Java, C ++, and Python. For example, TransCoder allows you to convert Java sources to Python code, and Python code to Java sources. The project's developments put into practice theoretical research on the creation of a neural network for efficient automatic code transcompilation and is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 license, which allows use only for non-commercial purposes . "


8 tips on how not to open source released material with a collection of advice to business on what mistakes should be avoided when releasing Open Source projects. Briefly what NOT to do:

  1. "Throw over the wall", that is, spread with a refusal of obligations and the hope that the community will somehow figure it out;
  2. keep the project under total control;
  3. produce a bunch of licenses;
  4. avoid documentation (however, this applies to any project, even if only one person is working on it);
  5. avoid creating auxiliary tools;
  6. avoid charts;
  7. keep silent, ignore requests through the tracker, etc .;
  8. to conduct real development in another repository and merge into the public only grouped commits with a bunch of edits.

Details (en)

How to run KDE Plasma on Windows via WSL2

Patching KDE under FreeBSD is no longer relevant, now it's in vogue to run it under Windows. HabrΓ© has released a step-by-step guide on how to configure KDE Plasma for Ubuntu 20.04 on Windows 10 via WSL2. According to the author, the article β€œis intended for the attention of system administrators who prepare typical workplaces on computers running Windows 10, including software developers", But perhaps it will be interesting for just advanced (not everything is so simple there) Windows users who are interested in FOSS. This article describes how to install the programs necessary for Plasma to work and configure Windows, configure Ubuntu 20.04, reconfigure the X-server, and the final touches. Generally speaking, WSL is a very interesting, but not completely clear in terms of perspectives for GNU / Linux (and Windows itself) phenomenon. It may seem that this is an additional influx of users and fame, but everyone remembers EEE?


In a short line


Live Webinar - Process Automation with GitLab CI / CD - Oct 29, 15:00 -16: 00 (MST) [β†’]


The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation plans to purchase computers with pre-installed OS Astra Linux [β†’]


  1. NPM , [β†’]
  2. Apache Syncope Metron [β†’]


  1. «» werf [β†’]
  2. Agreements as Code: [β†’]
  3. Jenkins GitLab CI/CD [β†’]
  4. Java- Gitflow [β†’]
  5. , β€” [β†’]
  6. NX Lerna, [β†’]
  7. GitOps: ? [β†’]
  8. ipipou: more than just an unencrypted tunnel [β†’]
  9. Kyma project: how to develop SAP applications using Kubernetes technology [β†’]
  10. Integration of the calendar with Ansible to avoid conflicts in the schedule of actions [β†’ (en)]

Data Science

Amundsen: one year after opening source [β†’ (en)]


  1. IETF QUIC and HTTP / 3 activation started in Chrome [β†’]
  2. Troubleshooting Twitter Stopping Work in Firefox [β†’]
  3. 5 best open source alternatives to Google Analytics [β†’ (en)]
  4. About Web Browsing Using Gemini Protocol on Apple Devices [β†’ (en)]
  5. About a simple web experience using the Gemini protocol [β†’]

For developers

  1. fork() : [β†’]
  2. DuploQ β€” Duplo ( ) [β†’]
  3. Qt6 Configuration Tool 0.1 [β†’]
  4. Python FunctionTrace [β†’]
  5. Python open source [β†’]
  6. okdb β€” [β†’]
  7. API - Insomnia Designer [β†’ (en)]
  8. Apache Cassandra 4.0 [β†’ (en)]
  9. Javascript [β†’]

5 ways organizations can learn from mistakes and turn them into success [β†’ (en)]


  1. This Week At KDE: Breeze Evolution Begins [β†’]
  2. Formatting in Ext4 [β†’]
  3. What is a Linux distribution [β†’]
  4. Installing Anydesk on Ubuntu [β†’]
  5. 6 important things to do after installing Manjaro Linux [β†’ (en)]
  6. How to install Deepin Desktop on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS [β†’ (en)]
  7. How to clear Apt cache and free up disk space [β†’ (en)]


Video game for Open Jam [β†’ (en)]


  1. AnLinux: an easy way to install Linux environment on Android phone without root [β†’]
  2. Microsoft is porting Wayland to WSL2 [β†’]
  3. WSL experiments. Part 2 [β†’]
  4. A new Preview-version of Windows Package Manager - v0.2.2521 has been released [β†’]
  5. 5 qualities of strong open source evangelicals (eng. "Developer advocates") [β†’ (en)]
  6. 5 blocks of Scratch code to teach kids how to create a game [β†’ (en)]


Kernel and distributions

  1. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.9 and Oracle Linux 7.9 Release [β†’]
  2. Release of pkgsrc 2020Q3 package repository [β†’]
  3. Ubuntu RescuePack, Live distribution for fighting computer viruses [β†’]

System software

Release of NTP servers NTPsec 1.2.0 and Chrony 4.0 with support for secure NTS protocol [β†’]


Intrusion Detection System Suricata 6.0 Release [β†’ 1 , 2 ]


GitLab 13.4 has been released with HashiCorp repository for CI variables and Kubernetes Agent [β†’]

Data Science

LinkedIn has released the release of DataHub data cataloging system 0.5.0 [β†’]


  1. Chrome 86 release [β†’ 1 , 2 ]
  2. The release of the Ephemeral 7 browser developed by the elementary OS project [β†’]
  3. Claws Mail 3.17.7 mail client release [β†’]
  4. Release of NGINX Application Server Unit 1.20.0 [β†’]

For developers

  1. Snek 1.5, a Python-like programming language for embedded systems available [β†’]
  2. Release of the Python 3.9 programming language [β†’ 1 , 2 ]
  3. Release of the programming language Rust 1.47 [β†’ 1 , 2 ]
  4. Alpha version of Qt 6.0 is available [β†’]

Special software

Calla, an audio / video conferencing platform in the form of an RPG game, is available [β†’]


  1. Release of the graphical editor GIMP 2.10.22 [β†’ 1 , 2 ]
  2. DXVK 1.7.2 release, Direct3D 9/10/11 implementation over Vulkan API [β†’]


A framework for developing 2D games NasNas introduced [β†’]

Custom software

Music player mpz 1.0 released [β†’]

What else to see

  1. The revival of mainframes, why sometimes you need to take a break and different industry trends - a short digest from with the news of the last week, it practically does not intersect with mine.
  2. Pingvinus News # 25. Pitivi, CherryTree, what to expect in Linux Mint 20.1, new GIMP, Windows XP code leak

That's all, until next Sunday!

Many thanks to the editors and authors of OpenNET , a lot of news materials and messages about new releases were taken from them.

If anyone is interested in compiling digests and has the time and opportunity to help - I will be glad, write to the contacts indicated in my profile, or in private messages.

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