Digest of interesting materials for a mobile developer # 365 (October 5 - 11)

In our new collection we catch bugs on clients, write autotests and build analytics, study KMM and new Flutter products, system design and CTO operation, game logic and Russians' spending on applications. Connect!

We use our own development code-named Gelato to collect client errors. For the last two years I have been working on its server side and during this time I discovered a lot of new things from the world of developing Error Tracking systems.

This digest is available as a weekly newsletter . And every day we send news in the Telegram channel .


(+6) Cucumber and BDD. Writing UI Autotests on iOS

(+2) Swift Library Integration in UE4

iOS Rich Push Notifications

iOS 14 Checklist for Developers

SwiftUI 2.0 CardView with Lottie Animations

SwiftUI is Apple's Flutter

UI testing of deep and universal links in iOS

Creating our first widget for iOS

App with Swift Composable Architecture: SwiftUI

Centering the image on the face using Apple Vision Framework

iOS basics in Revolut

How to work with vector assets

Xcode and LLDB capabilities : real-time application management

Application distribution: Firebase versus Testflight

Imperative and declarative programming in Swift

Creating a round loading indicator in Swift 5

MVVM: Model-View-ViewModel implementation in Swift

LFColoringBook: coloring for iOS


(+14) Drawing the first frame of the Android application

(+13) For two mobile services: HMS and GMS in one application

(+12) We embed analytics from Huawei in Android application

(+11 ) Notification targeting, price management in different regions and other HMS features for Internet payments

(+3) Compose. Jetpack Compose

(0) Automatic Code Improvement on Android Studio Commit

Google Assistant gets deeper integration with Android apps

Android Broadcast: Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile

Android Broadcast: How to Make a Developer's Life Better

Google Postpones Tightening Policy in India until 2022

Andriod NDK: How to Use CMake and ndk-Build in One Project

Testing Jetpack Compose Screenshots with Shot

Binders in Android

Preparing applications for the latest Google Play billing features

How to implement in-app purchases in your Android application

Running Java programs directly on Android (without creating an application)

Implementing a design system using Jetpack Compose

Understanding RxJava in a New Way

Changing Android Development with Jetpack Compose and Coroutines

Using Github Actions to Automate the Release Process

Notally: Notebook for Android

PropertyFindAR: Real Estate in AR

Konfetti: Confetti for Android


(+22) Breakfast with the legendary game designer American McGee: about the new Alice, Russia and depression

(+20) Announcement of Flutter 1.22Dart 2.10 release: one step closer to null-safety

(+16) How UI beat UX in Things 3 (iOS)

(+14 ) Freedoms and limitations of design systems

(+11) Flutter + clean architecture: take it by example

(+10) CucumberTalks: avoid anti-patterns and write expressive scripts

(+9) How to save money on mobile app development

(+8) Magnificent Mario: the birth of a legend

(+ 4) The history of the development of the mobile game "Flight on the Buran"

(+4) Improving the UX of a mobile application on a real example

(+3) Top 11 best test management systems 2020

Podlodka # 184: profession: CTO

Amazon Timestream makes it easier to work with large databases

What is game logic and what it is eaten with

Books on iOS and Android development in the Humble Book Bundle

Application design: examples for inspiration # 18

We moved away from flat design. Where are we going next?

5 main anti-trends in modern design

Motivation or why it is so difficult to complete a personal project

By 2030, software developers may be out of date

How to improve the performance of a mobile application

Old developers have no place

How my IDE affects my programming

19 things I borrowed from great developers

Why are Kotlin and Swift brothers?

What Every Product Manager Should Know About A / B Testing

Answers to the 40 Most Popular Facebook Programmer Interview Questions

Mobile Application Performance Indicators and Their KPIs

Analytics, Marketing & Monetization

(+5) Video Game Localization for Japanese Market: do's and don'ts

make sense: About launching a product without a development team, marketing and monetizing a mental health service

Microsoft has created 10 rules for an app store

App Annie: Russians spent $ 348 million in apps in Q3 2020

Former Apple engineer created a word game

Paired: mobile service for strengthening relationships

Most downloaded apps in September 2020

Most earning apps in September 2020

Research by myTracker: how payments differ users in different categories of applications

What is the motivation for different types of players?

Streaming of retro games from Antstream

NaPopravku.ru - How we made an application in 5 months with the functionality of a site that we have been creating for 5 years

How competitor analysis helps in search engine optimization of the application

Look-alike on events in mobile trackers: why do you need a tool and how to work with it

Fraud in the mobile industry - what mechanisms help to fight it?

AI, Devices, IoT

(+25) Low-level programming of tinyAVR 0-series microcontrollers

(+22) How to robotic support using machine learning

(+21) Programming devices based on the ESP32 module

(+18) Where is the world of neural networks heading: interview with the creator of iPavlov

(+8) Living on the Edge: Intel Atom, Celeron, Pentium for the Internet of Things

(+5) Neural networks: where to get data for fine learning of algorithms?

The Škoda app detects faults by sound

NVIDIA introduced the new Jetson Nano

Tiny machine learning: the next revolution in artificial intelligence

Previous digest . If you have other interesting materials or you have found an error, please send it to the mail .

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