Import / export of databases. What is needed in such applications? Interview

There are a lot of applications for converting data into a database, and each has its own peculiarity. Since I myself am writing a universal application ImportExportDataSql for import / export of data (so far only Microsoft SQL Server and under Windows), I want to collect statistics on what functions you use in such applications and why do you like this or that application?

I hope you have a couple of minutes to take part in the survey.

A little about ImportExportDataSql

The ImportExportDataSql application is free, no ads, notifies about new versions, the presence of a command line and you can download it and use it in your projects.

Using ImportExportDataSql you can:

- quickly load large CSV files (over 1GB) into SQL Server

- load Excel files and CSV with the ability to customize fields, as well as with a limitation on the number of processed rows (convenient for debugging)

- unload sample data from the database, in SQL format and then execute this script on another database (i.e. use as a means of data synchronization)

- copy jobs from one machine to another


- unload the database structure

The main feature of ImportExportDataSql is that you can combine several SELECT queries, dumping the result as SQL into one file.

Add to the VK group , write your wishes, I will be glad to modify the application to suit your needs.

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