FOSS News # 36 - digest of news and other materials about free and open source software for September 28 - October 4, 2020


We continue to digest news and other materials about free and open source software and a little about hardware. The most important thing about penguins and not only, in Russia and the world. Open Source Evangelist Eric Raymond on the possible migration of Windows to the Linux kernel in the near future; Open Source Package Development Competition for Robot Operating System; The Free Software Foundation turns 35; Rochester Institute of Technology has created a university initiative to support, collaborate and research open source projects; we understand what FOSS is (finally :)); trying to answer the question of what a global open organization might look like and much more.

Table of contents

  1. the main thing

    1. Open Source Evangelist Eric Raymond: Windows will move to Linux kernel in the near future
    2. Robot Operating System Open Source Package Development Contest
    3. The Free Software Foundation turns 35
    4. Rochester Institute of Technology creates Open @ RIT, a university initiative to support, collaborate and research open source projects
    5. Linux Enlightenment: What is FOSS (free and open source software)? What is Open Source?
    6. What might a global open organization look like?
  2. In a short line

    1. Implementation
    2. Opening code and data
    3. FOSS organizations news
    4. Legal issues
    5. Kernel and distributions
    6. Systemic
    7. Special
    8. Safety
    9. DevOps
    10. Web
    11. For developers
    12. Management
    13. Custom
    14. Games
    15. Iron
    16. miscellanea
  3. Releases

    1. Kernel and distributions
    2. System software
    3. Safety
    4. Web
    5. For developers
    6. Special software
    7. Games
    8. Custom software

the main thing

Open Source Evangelist Eric Raymond: Windows will move to Linux kernel in the near future

The Selectel company in its blog on HabrΓ© writes: β€œEric Raymond is a free software evangelist, co-founder of the Open Source Initiative, author of Linus's Law and the book Cathedral and Bazaar, a kind of β€œholy book” of free software. In his opinion, in the near future Windows will move to the Linux kernel, so that Windows itself will become an emulation layer on this kernel. It seems like a joke, but today it seems to be not April 1st. Raymond argues for his assertion by the active actions of Windows in the field of open source software. For example, Microsoft is actively working on the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), a Linux subsystem for Windows. He also did not forget about the Edge browser, which initially worked on the EdgeHTML engine, but a year and a half ago it was transferred to Chromium. Plus, last year Microsoft announced the integration of a full-fledged Linux kernel into the OS, which is necessary for WSL2 to work with full functionality . "


Robot Operating System Open Source Package Development Contest

In another interesting article on HabrΓ©, a post about a new competition related to robotics appeared: β€œ Oddly enough, modern world robotics is currently developing on such a phenomenon as ROS and open-source. Yes, for some reason this is not understood and little known in Russia. But we - the Russian-speaking ROS community - are trying to change this and support those robotics enthusiasts who write open source code for robots. In this article I would like to reveal the work on such an undertaking in the form of the ROS packages competition, which is under way now . "


The Free Software Foundation turns 35

OpenNET writes: β€œ . online-, 9 ( 19 20 MSK). GNU/Linux, GNU Emacs, , freejs Android- F-Droid. 1985 , GNU, Free Software Foundation. , GNU, . GPL, . 17 ".

Source and links

Rochester Institute of Technology creates Open @ RIT, a university initiative to support, collaborate and research open source projects writes: β€œ Open@RIT, , β€ž β€œ, , , , , , , Creative Commons, . β€žβ€œ , , . β€” , , . β€ž β€œ , , , ".

Details (en)

Linux Enlightenment: What is FOSS (free and open source software)? What is Open Source?

So I keep doing FOSS News digests, but do all readers and subscribers know what FOSS is? In case not all - we read the new educational program from It's FOSS (a small spoiler - soon there will be translations of these educational programs). This article describes the origin of the free software movement, its basic principles, how developers make money, and what is the difference between free and open source software.

Details (en)

What might a global open organization look like?

Another material from this time swings on the topic much wider than our usual materials. The author analyzes the book by Jeffrey Sachs "The Years of Globalization" and continues the previous materials ( 1 and 2 ), delving into history, analyzing the experience of various stages of human development. In the third and final part, the author " explores two more recent historical eras, industrial and digital, to explain how open principles shaped the later trends of globalization - and how these principles will be an integral part of our global future ."

Details (en)

In a short line


Russian Pension Fund chooses Linux [β†’]

Opening code and data

Apple released the Swift 5.3 programming language and opened the Swift System library code [β†’ 1 , 2 ]

FOSS organizations news

  1. Firefox's share fell 85%, but Mozilla's top management grew 400% [β†’]
  2. OpenJDK development moved to Git and GitHub [β†’]
  3. Gitter moves to the Matrix ecosystem and merges with the Element Matrix client [β†’ 1 , 2 ]
  4. LibreOffice celebrates 10 years of the project [β†’]
  5. How Docker Business Scales to Serve Millions of Developers, Part 2: Outbound (Part 1 was published in Digest # 35 [β†’ 1 , 2 ]

Legal issues

SFC is preparing a lawsuit against GPL violators and will develop alternative firmware [β†’ 1 , 2 ]

Kernel and distributions

  1. Best Ubuntu? | Pop_OS. First opinion [β†’]
  2. Fedora Linux Smartphone Edition Introduced [β†’ 1 , 2 ]
  3. Fedora 33 has entered beta testing [β†’]
  4. DSL project (DOS Subsystem for Linux) for running Linux applications from MS-DOS environment [β†’]
  5. Interview with the author of the millionth commit in the core Ricardo Neri [β†’ (en)]


Mesa developers are discussing the possibility of adding Rust code [β†’]


  1. Xen Raspberry Pi 4 [β†’ 1, 2 (en)]
  2. OpenSSH 8.4 [β†’]
  3. Bagisto: Open Source eCommerce [β†’ (en)]
  4. KeenWrite: [β†’ (en)]

  1. Hacktoberfest - GitHub- [β†’]
  2. Google Android- [β†’]
  3. GitHub [β†’ 1, 2]
  4. PowerDNS Authoritative Server [β†’]


  1. - Ansible Content Collections Ansible Tower [β†’]
  2. pg_probackup. [β†’]
  3. . 1: Asterisk Ubuntu 20.04 [β†’]
  4. Linux GlusterFS [β†’]
  5. : [β†’]
  6. Linux (, β„–34 [β†’ 1, 2]
  7. - Linux: SSH [β†’]
  8. MIKOPBX chan_sip PJSIP [β†’]
  9. DataHub: [β†’]
  10. DataHub : LinkedIn [β†’]
  11. In Tarantool, you can combine a super-fast database and application to work with them. Here's how easy it is [β†’]
  12. Jenkins Pipeline: Optimization Notes. Part 1 [β†’]
  13. Autoscaling Kubernetes applications using Prometheus and KEDA [β†’]
  14. Four easy Kubernetes terminal settings to improve your productivity [β†’]
  15. Just add some Salt [β†’]
  16. ITBeard: Containerization in clear language. Interview with System Engineers from Southbridge [β†’]
  17. Automating Semantic Versioning with Maven (SemVer GitFlow Maven) [β†’]


JIT compilation performance has been significantly improved in Firefox nightly builds [β†’]

For developers

  1. ScreenPlay QMake CMake [β†’]
  2. KDE Plasma [β†’]
  3. , Python [β†’ (en)]
  4. Linux [β†’ (en)]
  5. Python [β†’ (en)]
  6. 5 , Open Jam 2020 [β†’ (en)]
  7. Perl 5.32.2 [β†’]
  8. Virtual Floppy Drive [β†’]
  9. API PHP 2020 [β†’]
  10. Zoom - RDK Linux. GStreamer [β†’]
  11. : Β« UnixΒ» β€” , [β†’]
  12. QEMU ( 2/2) [β†’]

  1. 5 Open Source [β†’ (en)]
  2. [β†’ (en)]
  3. [β†’ (en)]

  1. MyKDE KDE systemd [β†’]
  2. NetBSD CTWM Wayland [β†’]
  3. bash Loki fzf [β†’ (en)]
  4. Linux iPad ( ) [β†’ 1, 2 (en)]
  5. GNOME [β†’ (en)]
  6. Intel NUC Linux [β†’ (en)]
  7. : Linux? ? [β†’ (en)]
  8. /boot Ubuntu Linux? [β†’ (en)]
  9. Drawing – Open Source , MS Paint Linux [β†’ (en)]
  10. Firefox RAM CPU [β†’ (en)]
  11. iostat Linux [β†’]
  12. Linux [β†’]
  13. exe Linux [β†’]
  14. Configuring Zsh and Oh my Zsh [β†’]
  15. How to uninstall Ubuntu [β†’]
  16. Configuring Conky [β†’]
  17. Installing Conky on Ubuntu [β†’]
  18. New KDE Web Services Account System launched [β†’]
  19. This week at KDE [β†’ 1 , 2 ]
  20. What happens if you connect a smartphone with Plasma Mobile to an external screen? [β†’]
  21. What are the KDE websites preparing for September? [β†’]


GOG, the largest distributor of DRM-free games, celebrates 12 years with a lot of new things to celebrate! [β†’]


Lenovo ThinkPad and ThinkStation Linux Ready [β†’ 1 , 2 ]


  1. Node-RED Yandex IoT Core [β†’]
  2. unGoogled Android [β†’]
  3. DNS flag day 2020 TCP [β†’]
  4. Buildroot IBM Z (S/390) [β†’]
  5. Python , [β†’ (en)]
  6. Open Source [β†’ (en)]
  7. Open Source? [β†’ (en)]
  8. 5 - [β†’ (en)]
  9. Open Source [β†’ (en)]
  10. Open Source [β†’ (en)]
  11. , , Open Source POWER [β†’ (en)]
  12. Python Present [β†’ (en)]
  13. Kickstarter- Sciter [β†’]
  14. [β†’]

  1. 6.0 [β†’]
  2. - Ubuntu 20.10 [β†’]
  3. Ubuntu GamePack 20.04 [β†’]
  4. Debian 10.6 [β†’ 1, 2]
  5. Puppy Linux 9.5. [β†’]

  1. RPM 4.16 Package Manager Release [β†’]
  2. Mesa 20.2.0, a free implementation of OpenGL and Vulkan released [β†’]
  3. Taiwins 0.2 [β†’]


Nmap 7.90 Network Security Scanner Release [β†’]


  1. Firefox 81.0.1 update. Enabling OpenH264 support with Firefox for Fedora [β†’ 1 , 2 ]
  2. Release of nginx 1.19.3 and njs 0.4.4 [β†’]
  3. MediaWiki 1.35 LTS [β†’]
  4. Pale Moon 28.14 browser release [β†’]
  5. Geary mail client 3.38 released. Added support for plugins [β†’]

For developers

  1. Apache NetBeans IDE 12.1 Release [β†’]
  2. ZenMake 0.10.0 [β†’]

Special software

  1. Wine 5.18 [β†’ 1, 2]
  2. Nextcloud Hub 20 [β†’]
  3. virt-manager 3.0.0, [β†’]
  4. Stratis 2.2, [β†’]
  5. libmdbx 0.9.1 [β†’]
  6. OpenCL 3.0 [β†’]
  7. OBS Studio 26.0 [β†’]
  8. , TEA (50.1.0) [β†’]
  9. Stellarium 0.20.3 [β†’]
  10. - PiTiVi 2020.09. [β†’]

  1. ScummVM 2.2.0 ( ? :)) [β†’]
  2. fheroes2 0.8.2 ( ? :)) [β†’]
  3. ScummVM 2.2.0 Symbian (? ;)) [β†’]
  4. Boulder Dash ( ) [β†’]

  1. Mir 2.1 [β†’]
  2. GNU grep 3.5 [β†’]
  3. Broot v1.0.2 ( ) [β†’]
  4. CherryTree 0.99. [β†’]

That's all, until next Sunday!

I express my big thanks to the editors and authors of OpenNET , a lot of news materials and messages about new releases were taken from them.

If anyone is interested in compiling digests and has the time and opportunity to help, I will be glad, write to the contacts indicated in my profile, or in private messages.

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