Bryce: who and when will fly to Mars in the 20s. Forecast

Vyacheslav Ermolin - October 5, 2020

The Bryce portal has  published a forecast  (infographic) on space activities for the next 10 years. Forecast in three categories: manned programs in Earth orbit (OS modules, manned and cargo missions), flights to the Moon (unmanned and manned), flights to Mars (unmanned).

According to Bryce, I made separate infographics for each direction.

The first  is manned missions to Earth orbit.

The second  is manned, cargo and scientific missions to the Moon.

The third is scientific and research missions to Mars:

Single missions with landing on the surface of Mars, the work of rovers. Exploration of Mars from orbit. Return of soil from Mars to Earth (Americans) and soil from a satellite of Mars (Japanese). Russia has no mission of its own, only together with Europe. India plans to send another AMS to Mars. China's plans are limited to the launch of the first AMS in the 20th year.

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1. Bryce , . . , .

2. . .

3. The plans of private companies, primarily SpaceX, to explore or even "colonize" Mars, remain outside the forecast. High uncertainty in such projects does not allow assessing the reality of these plans and the timing of implementation. From a private trader, you can expect to send small devices (for public money).

Link  to the first part - manned flights

Link  to the second part - flights to the Moon

Link  to Bryce reports

High resolution -  EarthMoon,  Mars

Original infographic by Bryce.

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