New YouTube Streaming Week: From Vue.js to SIMD Instructions

Our YouTube talk shows are true to themselves: this week again there will be six broadcasts for IT professionals from six different areas (JS, Java, .NET, C ++, testing, devops). And each will be held at the same hour as last week - just with new guests and new topics.

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, 6 : JS

« HolyJS»

: 6 10:00 ()

: YouTube

(Gitlab), Vue.js. Vue.js 3 ( ?) ( ?). , GitLab — , .

«Heisenbug Show»

: 6 13:30 ()

: YouTube

, , — Heisenbug Show! , IoT , , . .

, 7 : Java .NET

« Joker»

: 7 14:00 ()

: YouTube-

— developer advocate GraalVM, Joker «», Joker 2020 ( ). , « » GraalVM. ? Joker ?

« »

: 7 19:00 ()

: YouTube-

« .NET» «Async Programming in .NET», - Rider. , — .

, 8 : C++

«Pure Virtual Cast»

: 8 18:00 ()

: YouTube-

C++ Russia SIMD-. , , SIMD- . - , , .

, 9 : DevOps

«DevOops »

: 9 18:00 ()

: YouTube-

(, «Kotlin: »). DevOops. , , .

, : Java, C++, , .NET, JS, DevOps.

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